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1040712 | 02/19/2021 | TN | 1.5 | 1 | .6 | M | forceful vomiting 3 times 30 minutes after vaccination, no site swelling or redness | Y | 02/18/2021 | 02/18/2021 | 0 | n/a | PVT | omeprazole | rhinovirus | GERD | 2 | 02/19/2021 | milk protein | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1059127 | 02/26/2021 | TN | 1.25 | 1 | .3 | M | Chronic diarrhea with mucus. Blood in stool two weeks after the injections. Red inflamed circle around injection site on right thigh two weeks after injection. Diarrhea has not improved for 2.5 months. Persistent diaper rash that will not go away with any | N | 12/15/2020 | 12/29/2020 | 14 | PVT | None | None | Autism diagnosis | 2 | 02/26/2021 | Y | Y | None known | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1068340 | 03/03/2021 | TN | 1.17 | 1 | .2 | U | incorrect product storage; No additional adverse events reported; This spontaneous report was received from an administrator via a Nurse, referring to a patient of unknown age and gender. The patient's pertinent medical history, concurrent conditions and | U | 01/29/2021 | UNK | VAQTA SYRINGE (DEVICE); VAQTA SYRINGE (DEVICE) | US0095075132102USA001367 | 2 | 03/02/2021 | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1106804 | 03/16/2021 | TN | 1.25 | 1 | .3 | F | Swollen, hot to the touch, very red and can barely move her arms. | N | 03/15/2021 | 03/15/2021 | 0 | PVT | None | None | None | 2 | 03/16/2021 | None | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1134078 | 03/25/2021 | TN | 1.25 | 1 | .3 | M | mother states child had rash on legs, abdomen, chest, and neck that appeared 2 days ago, Tuesday 3/23/21. mother gave Benadryl on Wednesday night 3/24/21. Rash fade some with Benadryl. | N | 03/22/2021 | 03/23/2021 | 1 | PVT | NA | NA | NA | 2 | 03/25/2021 | Y | NONE | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1145012 | 03/29/2021 | TN | 1.25 | 1 | .3 | F | Pentacel was 4th dose of DTaP and IPV and the 3rd dose of Hib. Previous doses had been through Pediarix and the Merck Hib. On the night of 3/25, she had felt warm and fatigued. Around midnight she was sleeping on her father's chest when she began to have | Y | 03/18/2021 | 03/26/2021 | 8 | None | PVT | None | None | Atopic dermatitis | 2 | 03/29/2021 | No known allergies | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1155460 | 04/01/2021 | TN | 1.5 | 1 | .6 | M | edema with blanchable redness around the injection site 7 cm by 11 cm in diameter, pt received decadron, recheck tomorrow | U | 03/30/2021 | 03/31/2021 | 1 | PVT | no | no | no | 2 | 04/01/2021 | Y | no | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1214598 | 04/15/2021 | TN | 1.25 | 1 | .2 | M | Left lateral thigh with surrounding erythema. Pink,irregular,blanches. Nodule beneath the skin | N | 04/14/2021 | 04/15/2021 | 1 | none | PVT | none | none | none | 2 | 04/15/2021 | Y | no known allergies | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1267508 | 04/28/2021 | TN | 1.25 | 1 | .3 | F | fever and seizure | Y | 2 | Y | 11/04/2020 | 11/04/2020 | 0 | to hospital emergency dept. by EMS. admitted overnight for observation | PVT | NONO | NO | DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY | 2 | 04/28/2021 | Y | NONE | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1346408 | 05/25/2021 | TN | 1.0 | 1 | .0 | F | flat, macular rash- whole body. Afebrile. | U | 05/14/2021 | 05/23/2021 | 9 | Rapid strep- negative results. | PVT | n/a | no illnesses, child was teething | n/a | 2 | 05/25/2021 | Y | nka | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1424384 | 06/24/2021 | TN | 1.08 | 1 | .1 | M | He was given shots at health department. Three hours later he spiked a 104 fever and started shaking, vomiting and developed a rash on his leg. At the hospital, his heart rate was elevated as well. He is still running fever and has mild rash today. | N | 06/22/2021 | 06/22/2021 | 0 | PVT | Not applicable | None | None | 2 | 06/24/2021 | Y | Y | None | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1464646 | 07/12/2021 | TN | 1.0 | 1 | .0 | M | Mild fever (99.6), rash all over body, itch treated with Benadryl | U | 07/09/2021 | 07/10/2021 | 1 | PVT | None | Diagnosed with Hand Foot Mouth the following Monday | None | 2 | 07/12/2021 | Y | None | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1500532 | 07/24/2021 | TN | 1.0 | 1 | .3 | M | baby received Havrix adult dose by error; baby received Havrix adult dose by error; This case was reported by a nurse via call center representative and described the occurrence of adult product administered to child in a 1-year-old male patient who receiv | U | 07/19/2021 | 07/19/2021 | 0 | UNK | USGLAXOSMITHKLINEUS202115 | 2 | 07/23/2021 | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1512386 | 07/29/2021 | TN | 1 | .3 | M | NURSE GAVE 1 ML HAVRIX INSTEAD OF 0.5 HAVRIX. REPORTED TO SUPERVISOR, NURSING DIRECTOR OF REGION,AND MEDICAL DIRECTOR. MANUFACTURER WHO SENT OUT EMAIL OF STUDIES OF CHILDREN WHO HAD BEEN GIVEN SAME DOSAGE WITHOUT ANY EFFECTS. TELEPHONE CALL TO CLIENT. CAL | Y | 07/19/2021 | PUB | none | None | None | 2 | 07/29/2021 | MPA undiagnosed | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1558369 | 08/14/2021 | TN | 1.0 | 1 | .0 | M | Fever to 103, full body rash, decreased appetite | N | 08/11/2021 | 08/13/2021 | 2 | MIL | None | RSV 3 weeks prior | None | 2 | 08/14/2021 | None | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1696363 | 09/14/2021 | TN | 1.0 | 1 | .0 | F | Was seen on 9/13/21 in office. Rash that is documented as scattered wheal like lesions with some targets on trunk and bilateral upper and lower extremities; also noticed around mouth , central clearing present, blanches with pressure, also has single blist | Y | 09/10/2021 | 09/11/2021 | 1 | None | PVT | None reported | Choking episode 3 days before vaccination. Runny nose afterwards. Also teething at time of vaccination | None reported | 2 | 09/14/2021 | Y | None reported | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX | 1753887 | 10/01/2021 | TN | 1.25 | 1 | .3 | F | Pt had fever. Pt was given Tylenol No more fever | Y | 09/28/2021 | 09/30/2021 | 2 | none | PVT | none | none | none | 2 | 10/01/2021 | Y | none | 2021VAERSSYMPTOMS | 2021VAERSVAX |