Welcome to Guest Worker Visas, Version 4.0, developed by Virgil Bierschwale, a Displaced American Software Developer and Navy Veteran.

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You are viewing patients aged: 10, in state: MD

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094321201/14/2021MD10.010MPatient was sitting on exam table; he was talkative and alert until after receiving third injection, HPV. Patient suddenly slumped forward and then backward. He was placed in the lying position onto his right side. Eye rolling and upper body jerking was nY01/13/202101/13/20210NonePVTNONEHEADACHE, ALLERGIC RHINITISALLERGIC RHINITIS201/14/2021YNONE2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
159156008/20/2021MD10.010MNo adverse results - patient was 10 yrs old at time of vaccine, administration errorY06/09/202108/20/202172PVT208/20/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
184281511/04/2021MD10.010MPatient received second dose of influenza vaccine due to communication error between parent, school, and vaccine registration system.N11/02/202111/02/20210noneSCH211/04/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX