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You are viewing patients aged: 102, in state: MD

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121427704/15/2021MD101.0102FAfter resident received vaccine there continued to be a decline in her overall health. Resident died on 2/26/21 at the age 102. The County Health Department requested that her information be forwarded to VAERS. There is no evidence that resident had a Y02/26/202102/10/202102/10/20210SENAntacid, Cephalexin, Daily Vitamin, Levothyroxine, Magnesium-OX, Metoprolol, Omeprazole, Vitamin D, Acetaminophen, Bisacodyl, Docustate Sodium, Haloperidol, Loratadine, Morphine, Ondansetron, Pepto Bismol, Balmex, Polyeth Glycol PowderResident had a steady decline over several months. She was under comfort care and it was the resident and families request to not be transferred to hospital and not to perform any medicals tests for diagnosis and treatment.HTN, Hyperlipidemia, Hypothyroidism, Diverticulosis, Osteoporosis, Hypomagnesemia, Cognitive Impairment, Hearing Loss, HS Hiatal Hernia, Colon Polyps, S/P Compression FX,204/15/2021Sulfa, Antibiotics, Bactrim, Actonel2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX