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You are viewing patients aged: 16, in state: WI

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091963701/04/2021WI16.016FNo adverse reaction - vaccine was administered to a employee that was 17 years of ageY01/04/202001/04/20200PHM201/04/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
092384401/06/2021WI16.016FPatient had completed the VAR form prior to the clinic. Staff was aware that only ages 18 and over could get immunization. They allowed her to have the shot with parental approval, which we as the vaccinators did not notice or approve of.U01/05/202101/05/20210SEN201/06/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
092391301/06/2021WI16.016FPatient was given the immunization despite her being outside of the appropriate age range. Patient and workplace had signed VAR stating they were 18 years old and able to receive the vaccine. Immunizing staff wasn't aware of her age due to the fact that tU01/05/202101/05/20210SEN201/06/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
094380501/14/2021WI16.016FError: Booster Given Too EarlyY01/05/202101/05/20210WRK201/14/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
103903702/18/2021WI16.016FError: Patient Too Young for Vaccine AdministeredY02/16/202102/16/20210WRK202/18/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
104015702/18/2021WI16.016FA minute after receiving vaccine, client lost consciousness for approximately 30 seconds paired with facial twitching. No history of seizures and history of syncope due to holding breath and anxiety with medical procedures and vaccinations in the past.EMS Y02/18/202102/18/20210PUBHx of syncope due to anxiety and holding breath related to medical procedures202/18/2021Hx of anaphylaxis due to cashews and pistachios2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
104989602/23/2021WI16.016FPatient did not qualify for vaccine. She is 16 and she is a lifeguard.U02/23/202102/23/20210PVT202/23/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
105231202/24/2021WI16.016FError: Patient Too Young for Vaccine AdministeredY12/28/202012/28/20200SEN202/24/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109108003/11/2021WI16.016FClient somehow made an appointment for a clinic, and is not the recommended age for this vaccine.Y02/10/202102/10/20210PUBunknownunknownunknown203/11/2021unknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109113603/11/2021WI16.016FClient somehow scheduled an appointment for a Moderna clinic and is not the recommended age for this vaccine.Y03/10/202103/10/20210N/APUBunknownunknownunknown203/11/2021unknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109225703/11/2021WI16.016MPatient is 16 years old, Moderna is only approved for ages 18 or olderY03/11/202103/11/20210PHMNoneNo known illnesses at time of vaccinationNone noted203/11/2021NKDA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
112328203/22/2021WI16.016MAdministration error: Pt. was younger than the age authorized for Janssen vaccine. Pt. had no adverse reaction to the vaccine.Y03/13/202103/13/20210PUB203/22/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
113056303/24/2021WI16.016FJanssen vaccine given to a 16 year old.U03/17/202103/17/20210nonePUB203/24/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
113610203/25/2021WI16.016FPatient seemed fine immediately after the vaccine and walked to a nearby chair to wait for 15 minutes for observation. I was alerted by the pharmacy technician I was needed outside of the immunization room and patient had vomited. It seemed to be mostly stY03/25/202103/25/20210nonePHMunknownunknownunknown203/25/2021none reported2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
114521003/29/2021WI16.016FPt is only 16 years old and received Moderna for 1st dose of COVID-19 vaccine. No adverse effects, just error in administration. Moderna was notified and states is ok to give 2nd injection as off label use to complete the series.Y03/29/202103/29/20210NAPVT203/29/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
114810303/30/2021WI17.016FImmediate vasovagal reaction. Recovered with supine positiion. Vital signs were monitored. Was able to sit after 15 minutes, then stand and walk after 15 more minutes of observationY03/01/202103/01/20210noneWRKVasovagal syncope203/30/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
115552704/01/2021WI16.016FThey made initial contact with young lady when she entered the holding area (as they do with every car). Their second contact came when the mother showed up on scene. At that time the patient reported that at one point her vision began to get dark on tY03/31/202103/31/20210noneOTHunknownunknownunknown204/01/2021unknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
115621004/01/2021WI16.016FPatient received the Moderna vaccine under the age of 18. Per guidance she was admistered the 2nd dose.Y02/23/202102/23/20210PVT204/01/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
115931204/02/2021WI16.016FHeadache, fever to 103, body aches, and fatigue. Treated with fluids and restU03/31/202103/31/20210PVT204/02/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
115991104/02/2021WI16.016FVasovagal Syncope. Awake within 3 seconds, kept her legs elevated, pushed fluids and a snack. Patient was given the Moderna Vaccine and is under the age of 18Y03/20/202103/20/20210PVTVitamin D3 1000IU Sprintec 0.25mg-35mcg Children's Multivitamin Sertraine 100mgNoneDepressive Disorder204/02/2021No known Allergies2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
115995704/02/2021WI16.016FReceived the Moderna Vaccine under the age of 18Y03/23/202103/23/20210PVTDifferin 0.1% Topical gel Albuterol CFC free 90mcg.inh Vitamin C 500mg Calcium carbonate 500mg Doxycycline hyclate 50mg Loratadine 10g Melatonin 10mg WarfarinChronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, s/p pulmonary thromboembolectomy (10/2020), antipospholipid syndrome. mild right ventricular dysfunction Pulmonary Emboli204/02/2021No Known Medication Allergies Environmental Allergies2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
116073904/02/2021WI16.016M8 days of intermittent fevers 101-106 (ongoing), rigors, chills and fatigue. Started 24 hours after COVID vaccine. This is ongoing, day 8 and fever still 101+ without ibuprofen. Seen twice at PCP's office listed above (seen by Dr. and Dr. this week but DN03/25/202103/26/20211CRP elevated at 18, ESR 33, mild hemolyzed blood in urine, large platelets on CBC, WBC 14, normal hemoglobin, platelets 273-300, and elevated D Dimer. Negative UA and negative blood cultures x 2. Started 24 hours after COVID vaccine. COVID test negative (PVTMulti Vitamin, Vitamin DNoneintermittent migraines204/02/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
116830904/05/2021WI16.016FClient was 16 years old when she received Moderna vaccine (dose 1). Client and parent notified and parent denies any adverse reactions. Client and parent educated that off label use for Moderna would be for client to receive 2nd dose of series. Parent in a03/24/202103/24/20210UNK204/05/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
117128904/06/2021WI16.016FPatient was accompanied by mother for her Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. After recieving her vaccine, she told her mother that her hands were feeling 'different.' Mother attempted to walk patient over to nurse's vaccine bay. Patient then became faint and was lowY04/05/202104/05/20210PVTnonenonenone204/06/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
117722304/07/2021WI16.016FThis event was an administration error. The Moderna vaccine was administered to an individual under the age of 18. Patient tolerated the vaccine administration, and no adverse reactions have been reported.03/09/202103/09/20210PVT204/07/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
117724504/07/2021WI16.016MWas given shot at the age of 16. This shot is currently recommended for 18 years or older.U03/31/202103/31/20210PHM204/07/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
118481204/09/2021WI16.016MPHN supervisor was notified by state that this patient was below the age requirement to receive this vaccine. PHN contacted the patient's mother and notified her of this information. Patient's mother states that the child appears without any complaints orU03/22/202103/22/20210n/aOTHunknownunknownunknown204/09/2021unknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
119719504/12/2021WI16.016FClient was administered Janssen vaccine at a clinic. Client was not of the required age of 18 and older.Y04/07/202104/07/20210PUB204/12/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
119791704/12/2021WI16.016FPatient has a history of dizziness, headaches and Tourette's syndrome. Immediate complaints of headache, nausea, arm tenderness and being dizzy. Patient was laid down, given water and a snack. She was discharged with her parents after 30 min of observatioY04/08/202104/12/20214nonePVTDrospirenone, Adapalene, Guafacine, Ibuprofen, citrizinemigrainesTourrettes Syndrome204/12/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
119813704/12/2021WI16.016MPatient who received vaccination was 16 years old. Interviewed dad. reports that patient had a mildly sore arm for a day and denies any other side effects, issues, or concerns.Y04/07/202104/07/20210NonePUBNONENoNo204/12/2021NONE2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
120369004/13/2021WI16.016FInadvertently was given Janssen vaccine at age 16. Patient's mother reports that Avery had fever of 101, fatigue, and 'flu like' symptoms which fully resolved by April 3. Avery has been feeling well since.Y03/31/202103/31/20210NonePUBUnknownNone knownUnknown204/13/2021Unknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
122594204/18/2021WI16.016FPatient was a 16yr female who received Pfizer vaccine 3/19/21 at vaccine clinic and presented with ongoing CPR to the ED 3/28/21 after cardiac arrest at home. Patient placed on ECMO and imaging revealed bilateral large pulmonary embolism as likely etiologyY03/30/2021N03/19/202103/28/20219UNKReported to be on Drospirenone-Ethinyl Estradiol 3-0.02 MG per tab204/18/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
124740804/23/2021WI16.016FPatient was registered under a parent's DOB and was administered the moderna vaccine LOT Number 046A21A by a volunteer physician. The patients of this vaccination clinic were scheduled by a partner organization and the mobile vaccine site. The date of birY04/20/202104/20/20210PVTN/AN/AN/A204/23/2021N/A2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
126799104/28/2021WI16.016MReceived his 2nd Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine today and while waiting the 15 minute observation time, he had a witnessed syncopal episode. Writer noticed him and lowered him to the floor out of his chair. He did not hit his head, nor have any injury. He quicklyY04/26/202104/26/20210PVTNoneNoneNonemom states at younger age; same incident following vaccine204/28/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
128978505/05/2021WI16.016FPatient was given vaccine under the approve age range. No adverse events noted.04/30/202104/30/20210PVT205/05/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
129262305/06/2021WI16.016FPATIENT GOT THE MODERNA COVID 19 VACCINE, SHE IS 16 YEARS OLDN04/05/202104/05/20210PHM205/06/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
129797605/07/2021WI16.016F4 hours later after My daughter got 2nd COVID vaccine Small round red rashes on the face .U05/07/202105/07/20210PUBNoneNoneNone205/07/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
130125905/09/2021WI16.016MPatient fainted in store about 5 minutes after receiving vaccination, patient seemed anxious when vaccine was givenY04/15/202104/15/20210Blood pressure was normal after incidentPHM205/09/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
130299305/10/2021WI16.016MModerna administered under 18 year oldY05/03/202105/03/20210PHM205/10/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
130788605/11/2021WI16.016MInitial complaint: feeling lightheaded, couldn't see, diaphoretic, pale 12:10 BP 60 systolic HR 64 Patient diaphoretic, "can't see". Ice pack, granola bar and water provided. 12:15 BP 56 systolic Second ice pack provided. Reports "feel better"U05/06/202105/06/20210PUBNoneNone reportedNone known205/11/2021NKDA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
130792405/11/2021WI16.016MHPI: Patient is a 16-year-old male who was upgraded to our emergency department after blood work showed a significant thrombocytopenia. Please see walk-in clinic provider NP for presenting history and physical exam. Patient reports to me development of U04/29/202105/10/202111Diagnostics: Results for orders placed or performed during the hospital encounter of 05/10/21 CBC WITH DIFFERENTIAL Result Value Ref Range White Blood Cells 7.72 4.0 - 13.0 K/uL Red Blood Cells 3.48 (L) 4.15 - 5.30 M/uL Hemoglobin 10.8 (L) 11.8 - 15.PVTThis is your record. Keep this with you and show to your community pharmacist(s) and physician(s) at each visit. Allergies: No Known Allergies Medications Valid as of: May 11, 2021 - 4:41 PM Generic Name Brand Name Tablet Size Instruct4/16/21 ED visit N/V/D diagnosed with viral gastroenteritis COVID-19 antigen negative 4/25/21 ED visit fever, sore throat, earache, dizziness, shortness of breath. Rapid strep negative, COVID-19 antigen and Influenza negative diagnosised with otitis media205/11/2021YNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
131024405/12/2021WI16.016MOn 5/6/2021 Presented to urgent care. Clinically Dx with Herpes Zoster. PCR testing for Varicella pending.U04/29/202105/06/20217Varicella PCR pendingPHMAllegra SudafedRunny nose the week of 4/29/21None205/12/2021YEnvironmental2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
131145705/12/2021WI16.016M16 year old vaccinated with Moderna04/09/202104/09/20210PUB205/12/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
131564505/13/2021WI16.016MConstant stomach pain , and vomiting - symptoms occurred 24 hours after injection of 1st vaccine shot.Y4Y04/24/202104/25/20211Child taken to his pediatrician?s office on 04/27/2021 and examined. Diagnosed with possible inflamed appendix and urged to go to emergency room immediately. Appendix was removed on 04/27/2021 and patient was hospitalized until 04/30/2021 for recovery aPVTNoneNoneNone205/13/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
132381905/17/2021WI16.016M16 year old received dose of Moderna instead of Pfizer, which is indicated for age less than 18. No adverse effects, informed patient, patient's mother. Consulted pediatrician and family medicine physician for recommendations. Per conversations with all pY05/12/202105/12/20210n/aPHM205/17/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
133694505/21/2021WI16.016MIt was discovered after the patient left that the patient received a full vial of undiluted vaccine (6 doses). Our organization contacted Pfizer, CDC, Poison Control and the Hospital Infectious Disease for recommendations on next steps. The patient was notU05/20/202105/20/20210none that we are aware ofPVT205/21/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
133757105/21/2021WI16.016FCovid vaccine administered on 5/20. 1704 - in observation room pt complained of feeling warm and a sore throat. 1706 - 50 mg Benadryl PO given, VS HR 93, POX 99, BP 128/68 1710 - VS HR 97, POX 98 1712 - pt states throat feels better. 1715 - pt st05/20/202105/20/20210PVT205/21/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
135274205/26/2021WI16.016MPresented as a pulled muscle in the left chest/lung area. No SOB, just pain and tightness in the chest. Began after the second vaccine and occurred on and off for about 2-3 weeks.U04/26/202104/27/20211None to date.PUBNoneNoneNone205/26/2021PCN2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
137475306/04/2021WI16.016MAfter vaccination upon documenting, it was realized that vaccine was given 14 days from 1st dose, rather than 221 days.Y06/03/202106/03/20210nonePVTnoneNoneNone206/04/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
138173506/08/2021WI16.016FBreakthrough infection05/16/202105/31/202115UNK206/08/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
138533306/09/2021WI16.016MPatient was under 18 year old, and received ModernaY02/25/202102/25/20210PHM206/09/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
138838106/10/2021WI16.016FMom stated that patient reported she did not feel well about 6:30 pm (the same evening). She then sat down, eyes rolled back in her head, speech was slurred and finally, became unresponsive for about 10 seconds. She was sweating uncontrollably, had a tempeY06/09/202106/09/20210NonePUBN/ANoN/A-Recently diagnosed with scoliosis206/10/2021Allergy to Amoxicillin-rash2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
139184206/11/2021WI16.016MNo adverse event. Vaccine was given to a minor. J&J vaccine has not yet been approved for minors. Error was realized after event happened. Parent still signed consent, in addition to EAU given that stated must be 18yrs or older and signs posted. Health DepU04/01/202104/01/20210n/aPUBn/an/an/a206/11/2021n/a2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
139503406/13/2021WI16.016MUnder age vaccinationY04/30/202104/30/20210PHM206/13/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
139701806/14/2021WI16.016Fvomiting for 4 days, head ache, hot flashes, loss of appetite, thirsty, achy, eye twitchesN06/09/202106/09/20210PHMD3, birth control,inhalerasthema,206/14/2021unknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
140343406/16/2021WI16.016FAfter receiving first COVID vaccine, patient walked out of the immunization room and up towards the photo department where she reported tunnel vision then fainted into her mother's arms. Patient instantaneously recovered and sat on the floor. Technician waY06/16/202106/16/20210PHM206/16/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
141104106/18/2021WI16.016FChest pain, upset stomach, elevated heart rate and blood pressure Performed tests, gave them water and advised to drink electrolyte rich fluids and take Tylenol or Ibuprofen every 6 hours for discomfort.Y05/28/202105/28/20210X-ray chest single view: lungs are clear, heart size normal, no pleural effusion or pneumothorax, no acute osseous abnormality. Magnesium: 2.0 mg/dL, TSH Reflex Free T4: 2.44, Troponin <0.01, CBC with Differential all within normal parameters except AbsoluOTHAmerican Health Chewable Super Papaya Enzyme PlusStomach upset206/18/2021YYAzythromycin and Augmentin - rash, difficulty breathing2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
141709706/22/2021WI16.016FPatient under age of 18 and received Moderna.06/08/2021PUB206/22/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
143746106/30/2021WI16.016MOnset of hives the morning following vaccine. Continued at the time of this report. Taking Benadryl per Dr. Will update with symptoms as neededN06/28/202106/29/20211PVT206/30/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
143758306/30/2021WI16.016MWhen asked, patient states he did not eat or drink anything today. He noticed a tiny spot of blood at injection site, while his band-aid was being applied, he asked "Is this bad?". Shortly after after her complained of not feeling well. He complained of haY06/30/202106/30/20210N/APUBN/AN/AN/A206/30/2021N/A2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
143779306/30/2021WI16.016FCommunity event attended by staff offering Moderna and Janssen COVID vaccines to public. Client filled out consent and listed DOB. Client signed consent. Fact sheet offered, screening questions discusses with RN prior to vaccination. Client verbalized and U06/27/202106/27/20210PUB206/30/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
144364007/02/2021WI16.016MJanssen vaccine administered to patient under the age of 18. No adverse reactions reported.04/08/202104/08/20210PHM207/02/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
146165507/09/2021WI16.016MInitial needle puncture made in error with syringe with no contents - air, gas, liquid or otherwise. Syringe plunger was depressed without any movement of plunger. Administration error noted by Vaccinator post attempted vaccination and subsequently repor07/09/202107/09/20210PVT207/09/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
146837107/14/2021WI16.016FWhile completing paperwork in immunization room, patient's mother stated she thought her daughter was starting to react to the vaccine. It appeared patient was starting to pass out so pharmacist and mother lowered her down from the chair to the floor to prY07/13/202107/13/20210NonePHMNone per patient's motherNone per patient's motherNone per patient's mother207/14/2021None per patient's mother2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
147820807/16/2021WI16.016FLeft VM to return call. No return contact made. no report of adverse reaction.05/27/2021PUBNone listednone reportedNone reported207/16/2021None listed2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
147850307/16/2021WI16.016FSore throat, nasal congestion, cough, headache, body aches 24 hours after vaccine.N07/10/202107/11/20211strep test neg. No covid swab done. Day #6, no covid contacts or travel.PVTnononenone207/16/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
148607207/20/2021WI16.016MLeg weakness, heaviness. which appeared the next day in the evening after vaccinationU07/14/202107/15/20211CBC, CMP, CK 7-16-21 Low platelets 108,000 Slightly elevated LFTs AST/SGOT 14 - 35 U/L 64High ; ALT/SGPT 0 - 55 U/L 124High Normal CKPVTIbuprofen, Vitamin D and ZicamLow grade fever 100.5 and headacheNone207/20/2021YNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
150221607/26/2021WI16.016M(mother positive first), Sx onset 7/18/21 cough, runny nose, chills, headache, muscle aches, loss of smell & loss of taste.Y05/18/202107/18/202161Specimen Collection Date: 7/24/2021 Specimen Source: nasopharyngeal swab Test Performed: SARS CoV-2 RNA, TMA / SARS Cornavirus-2 RNA, V Result: DETECTEDPVT207/26/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
150222207/26/2021WI16.016M(mother positive first), Sx onset 7/18/21 cough, runny nose, chills, headache, muscle aches, loss of smell & loss of taste.Y06/08/202107/18/202140Specimen Collection Date: 7/24/2021 Specimen Source: nasopharyngeal swab Test Performed: SARS CoV-2 RNA, TMA / SARS Cornavirus-2 RNA, V Result: DETECTEDPVT207/26/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
151281207/29/2021WI16.016FPatient 16 years of age. Moderna vaccine for those 18 years and older. Too young to receive the Moderna vaccine.Y07/22/202107/22/20210PUB207/29/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
151786607/31/2021WI16.016Madministered liquid portion only / not reconstituted with lyophilized portion.; administered liquid portion only / not reconstituted with lyophilized portion.; This case was reported by a nurse via call center representative and described the occurrence ofU06/30/202106/30/20210UNKUSGLAXOSMITHKLINEUS202116207/30/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
151841307/31/2021WI16.016MPatient was given first COVID19 vaccine at around 1800 with no obvious signs or symptoms. Patients mother explained the history of fainting after vaccinations with pharmacist, when around 1810 patient started feeling dizzy and fainted. Patient was able to Y07/30/202107/30/20210nonePHMnonenone that were documented on the VARnoneFlu vaccine - 2020 - fainting207/31/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
151945408/02/2021WI16.016MThe first few days, patient had exhaustion and arm pain, which was expected...it seemed to be subsiding a bit, but then Thursday morning he was hit with a wave of fatigue again. He then had severe nausea, was freezing cold, and vertigo. I took his temperatU07/26/202107/29/20213PVTnoneasthma, gluten intolerance208/02/2021gluten2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
152318508/03/2021WI16.016FNo adverse event. Patient received one dose of vaccine prior to age 18.Y06/17/202106/17/20210N/ASENunknownunkknownunknown208/03/2021NKDA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
153156308/06/2021WI16.016FPatient went to urgent Care with pain at injection site, pain radiating down through right leg and up through the right side of her neckU08/05/202108/05/20210PVTCholine Dihydrogen Citrate 300mg BID Cymbalta 30mg qday Lactobacillus Acidophilus 1 tab qday Anaprox 440mg BID Progesterone 100mg qdayMigraines POTS Exercised induced asthma Generalized Anxiety Disorder208/06/2021YGluten Dairy2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
153175008/06/2021WI16.016MPatient is an otherwise healthy 16-year-old male who is presenting to the emergency department concerns for SVT. Patient states that he was sitting at home and went to go stand up when he suddenly felt uncomfortable feeling in his chest as well as some liU05/17/202105/18/20211UNK208/06/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
153181208/06/2021WI16.016MChest pain that came and went not related to breathingY06/07/202107/01/202124EKGUNKMultivitaminColdAsthma208/06/2021YYSulfa, amoxicillin, Ceftinor2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
153200708/06/2021WI16.016M16 year old male who presents with sudden onset chest pain. Patient states that he woke up with sudden chest pain at about 3:30 a.m. this morning and later fell asleep again as the pain was better. Around 9:30 AM he had worsening chest pain with some radY3U07/06/202107/09/20213PVT208/06/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
153476608/07/2021WI16.016F7/26/2021 had insanely heavy menstrual cycle that was soaking pads within an hour (normal is ~4-5 hours). She had cramps that she has never experienced before 7/26 eve and 7/27 daytime. There were large blood clots present (>> quarter size) 7/26-7/28. NoU04/28/202107/26/202189n/aPVTMeningitis vacc on 6/4/2021 hycosamineIBSIBSat 9 y.o. chicken pox vacc: pneumonia and cellulitis?208/07/2021gluten sensitive2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
154503308/11/2021WI16.016FVaccine given under the age of 18. No Medical adverse events. Vaccination error.U03/16/202103/16/20210N/AOTHN/AN/AN/A208/11/2021N/A2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
160010608/21/2021WI16.016FModerna COVID 19 vaccine given to 16 year old; This spontaneous case was reported by a nurse and describes the occurrence of PRODUCT ADMINISTERED TO PATIENT OF INAPPROPRIATE AGE (Moderna COVID 19 vaccine given to 16 year old) in a 16-year-old female patienY03/29/202103/29/20210UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/12/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
162858508/24/2021WI16.016MHISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient is a 16-year 4-month-old previously well male admitted to the ICU from the emergency room at Hospital where he presented with a 1 day history of chest pain. 3 days prior to admission Patient had his second Pfizer CovidY308/17/202108/18/20211UNK208/24/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
166696009/02/2021WI16.016FAfter mixing vile, and administering two 0.3ml doses there was not enough vaccine left in the vile to administer anymore doses.U09/02/202109/02/20210Pfizer company contacted on 9-2-21. They said there is no specific information or side effects to this at this time. Proceed with next dose of 0.3mlWRKCongenital insufficiency of aortic valve, prolonged QT interval, aortic valve regurgitation, VSD (ventricular septal defect), Orthostatic proteinuria, heavy menstrual bleeding, iron deficiency, ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, depression, migraine with209/02/2021effexor, azithromycin dihydrate2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
167067109/03/2021WI16.016MSecond dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine administered. Patient became slightly aloof as his mom noticed a change in his facial expression and a slight disconnected look in his eyes. Mom asked if patient was ok, to which he stated "yes" and attempted to standU08/27/202108/27/20210Unsure. Mom signed release form and patient did not leave with paramedics.PHMNiAN/AN/A209/03/2021N/A2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
167515009/05/2021WI16.016FApproximately 10 minutes after receiving her first COVID vaccine the patient's father asked the pharmacist to help his daughter as she stated she wasn't feeling well. Upon examining the patient, the patient looked as though she was having a possible seizurY09/03/202109/03/20210PHMNone listed on profileNone identified or reportedNone reported209/05/2021YNone listed on profile2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
167937309/07/2021WI16.016FNone, was just underageY08/03/202108/03/20210NonePHMNoneNo illnessNone209/07/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
168314309/08/2021WI16.016MNo adverse reactionY08/30/202108/30/20210the Pfizer vaccine in the refrigerator has a longer shelf life, it's more than 31 days. called Pfizer company to ask if the vaccine is viable.PVTnonono209/08/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
169283409/11/2021WI16.016Mexpired MENACTRA was given to a patient with no adverse event; Initial information regarding an unsolicited valid non-serious case was received from other health care professional and non-health care professional/consumer via Medical Information (ReferenceU08/30/202108/30/20210UNKUSSA2021SA293543209/07/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
169456809/13/2021WI16.016Fpulmonary embolismY03/30/2021N03/19/202103/28/20219autopsyOTHalbuterol, Flovent, doxycycline, drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol, and Zoloftasthma209/13/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
170870509/17/2021WI16.016MPatient received J&J vaccine and at the time was 16 years old. Vaccine is approved for 18 and older.Y09/15/202109/15/20210PHM209/17/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
171567909/20/2021WI16.016MNot age approved for Moderna emergency use vaccine. Patient is 16 years of ageY09/06/202109/06/20210NoneOTHnonenonenone209/20/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
171584009/20/2021WI16.016MAdministration to unauthorized age group. Accidental/unintentional administration. 5 days muscle aches, headaches, subjective fever, hot flashes, nausea with emesis x 1.09/15/202109/20/20215NonePHMNoneAsthma, eczema.Congenital anomalous right coronary artery origin.209/20/2021YCats, dogs, dust2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
175916910/04/2021WI16.016FChild was 16 years old at the time of vaccination.02/09/202102/09/20210PUB210/04/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
181324610/23/2021WI16.016F8/13/2021- Date of 1st vaccination patient was already on menstrual cycle-no abnormal issues (heavy bleeding) during the 1st dose. Issues (heavy bleeding) noticed on or during 2nd dose, during menstrual. 9/3/2021- Date of 2nd vaccination; patient had her YY1U08/08/202109/04/202127PVTNoneNoneNone210/23/2021YNo known allergies2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
181502510/25/2021WI16.016FPatient contracted COVID after being fully vaccinated Congestion, Body aches, headache, chills04/21/202110/23/2021185PHMAlbuterol q4hr prn for wheezing cetirizine 10mg daily prn for allergy symptoms Ortho Tri-Cyclene Lo Daily Fluoxetine 30mg daily fluticasone BID Fluticasone nasal Daily melatonin 2.5mg HS Multivitamin daily4/2021 - DysuriaAsthma Anxiety and Depression210/25/2021Omnicef Omni-Pac - Hives Zithromax - unknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
181717510/26/2021WI16.016Freceived a dose which expired; This case was reported by a other health professional via call center representative and described the occurrence of expired vaccine used in a 16-year-old female patient who received HBV (Engerix B) (batch number YL2L3, expirU10/20/202110/20/20210UNKUSGLAXOSMITHKLINEUS202121210/25/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
183964811/03/2021WI16.016MProvider history and physical 10/20/21: "PT is a 16 y.o. male patient without a significant past medical history who presents with shock in the setting of fevers, vomiting, and diarrhea. Symptoms began on 10/17 with fever, body aches and headaches. FeveY7Y04/30/202110/17/2021170Hospital Course-unable to inlcude results from entire hospitalization "CNS: Remained at baseline through admission, no issues with pain. Patient noticed blurry vision after given IV steroids that improved throughout his stay. Discussed with ophthalmologyUNKNoneNone documentedNone211/03/2021YYDust mites Pollen2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
184679211/05/2021WI16.016FThe patient was given booster dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.U11/05/202111/05/20210NonePUBUnknownUnknown211/05/2021Unknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
185466811/09/2021WI16.016FWas very tired and had sore muscles on September 09. Found September 10, 5:25 am dead. There were excessive amounts of blood along with large blood clots that appear to have come vaginally.Y09/10/2021N09/07/202109/01/2021There was no autopsy orderedPVTomeprazole gabapentin celecoxib nivolumab was last given on 9/03/2021Squamous cell lung cancer, Hx of radiation therapy, on antineoplastic chemotherapy, Esophagitis due to radiation,Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, Tracheal papillomatosis211/09/2021Pineapple2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX