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You are viewing patients aged: 24, in state: HI

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092478801/07/2021HI24.024FPatient was complaining of vertigo at 11:05 am after vaccination about 10 minutes after; BP:106/60, P:72, R:22, O2:99% Reclined back in seat, gave snack/water, was better when patient closed her eyes. At 11;15, tried to move her outside of car to cot, was U01/06/202101/06/20210NonePUBUnknownNoneNone201/07/2021YNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
095914901/20/2021HI24.024F9:55 am Participant, while waiting in the post-vax area, asked area monitor for water. She stated that she felt warm. Complained of lightheadedness. No nausea, difficulty breathing. Monitor provided her a bottle of water and asked EMS who was on standbY01/16/202101/16/20210OTH201/20/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
104998002/23/2021HI24.024FPatient had arm soreness x 2 days after injection, then resolution of symptom. On 2/19/21, patient developed annular, erythematous rash at injection site. TX: Benadryl and observation.U02/12/202102/19/20217PVT202/23/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
105393502/25/2021HI24.024M1700 on 2/24: headache and fatigue 0400: woke up with chills and nauseaN02/24/202102/25/20211PUBNoneNoneGERD202/25/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
113186503/25/2021HI25.024MSystemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Medium, Systemic: Tingling (specify: facial area, extemities)-Medium, Additional Details: Pt presented with a temperature of 99.1F after running from another pharmacy to our pharmacy. Shot was given at 1:10PM and N03/23/202103/23/20210PHM203/25/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
113865303/26/2021HI24.024Fchills, dizziness, body aches, headache, panic attackN03/25/202103/25/20210PVTdepo Proveraasthma203/26/2021sulfer2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
114927603/30/2021HI24.024Mimmediately started to perspire after the shot. then had behavioral change. usually well behaved at baseline on his medications, but he started acting strangely and even tried to strangle his mother. she notes that his eyes were angry and looked like he waY03/10/202103/10/20210UNKAbilify 5mg, Bentropine 1mg, Ciclopirox, Claritin-D, Clindamycin lotion, Hibiclens liquid, Lorazepam, Multivitamin, Nystatin, Fish oil, Probiotic, Risperidone, Silvadene cream, Singulair, Tacrolimus ointment, Trazodone, Triamcinolone cream,autism, movement disorder, IBS203/30/2021YCorn, egg whites, eggs, lactose, levofloxacin, milk, sesame, wheat2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
117902304/08/2021HI24.024FAbout 6 hours after vaccine injection I began to have weakness, numbness, tingling, and burning from my hips down. From the top of my legs all the way to my feet. Also numbness in my hands. Went to the ER approximately 15 hours after receiving my vaccinatiN04/06/202104/06/20210Blood panel, Urinalysis, Chest x-ray, MRI to head and cervical spine, Leptospirosis blood workOTHNoneNoneNone204/08/2021YNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
118534404/09/2021HI24.024MTemperature 99.7 to 99.8 with ibuprophen Severe soreness in joints, Weakness, Headache, Light nausea, Severe pain in injection arm, weakness in that armN04/08/202104/08/20210NoneMILCelsius Heat energy drink afterNoneSINUS, GLANDS204/09/2021Zyrtec2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
122203404/17/2021HI24.024MVeteran reported Nausea for one day starting 3 hours after the first dose of vaccine.Y03/20/202103/20/20210noneOTHnonenonenone204/17/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
123018204/19/2021HI24.024FAfter getting the shot I felt feverish, chills, migraines/headaches, nauseated, swollen lymph nodes only under the armpit on the right side, tender arm, weaknesses in arm, cracking noises in shoulder and neck, neck aches, some tingling in armN04/16/202104/16/20210OTHI took advil a few hours after receiving the second vaccine204/19/2021YLactose intolerant2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
123756404/21/2021HI24.024FDAY 1; Large bruise like rash on back and front chest on left side of body. Woke up midnight with expected chills and high fever. DAY 3: large raised red and hot welt near but not on injection site arm. Still present 4 days later. DAY 6; waking up with ligN04/14/202104/15/20211SCHAllegra, Benedetto, Nuva RingAllergiesPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome204/21/2021Shellfish & nuts2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
124437204/22/2021HI24.024FhivesY03/29/202103/29/20210nonePVTnonenonenone204/22/2021egg-> dizziness, dyspnea Aviane -> fatigue, HA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
127453904/30/2021HI24.024MI administered 2nd dose of Covid vaccine to a patient. 23 yo male Vaccine was given at 08:56 AM Right Deltoid. At 8:58 pt c/o mild itching at the vaccine site. I accessed pt's arm, no redness, no inflammation, cool to touch. At 9:00 I administered 50Y04/30/202104/30/20210N/AOTHnaNoneNone204/30/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
128258905/03/2021HI24.024FNone stated.02/23/202104/20/202156UNK205/03/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
128308805/03/2021HI24.024MHealth care worker reported that he had an adverse effect of the second dose of Moderna vaccine. He described normal side effects in the first two days following the second dose: fatigue, nausea, headache. Then noticed redness and a cluster of vesicles on Y04/18/202104/22/20214NoneOTHunknownunknownunknown205/03/2021Yunknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
130125105/09/2021HI24.024FAbout 3 minutes after vaccine administered noticed patient hand twitching, asked if they were okay and got a head nod, then patient went unresponsive and fainted. Called for help and called 911. Laid patient down and elevated her legs and in a few seconds Y05/09/202105/09/20210PHMN/Anonenone205/09/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
132850405/18/2021HI24.024FSymptoms; headache everyday, bumps on my legs/ waist /backN05/12/202105/13/20211UNKBumps rashes headacheheadache since vaccinated Bumps since the day205/18/2021Nuts2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
134541905/25/2021HI24.024FPatient fainted in the aisle a few minutes after receiving 1st dose of ModernaY05/24/202105/24/20210EMS came but she did not go with themPHMunknown205/25/2021No known allergy2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
135759505/28/2021HI24.024FError: Wrong Dose of Vaccine - Too LowY05/24/202105/24/20210PHM205/28/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
137204206/03/2021HI24.024MOnset about 1 minute after vaccine, patient was dizzy, nauseated, cold sweats, and low blood pressure. After drinking some water, sitting for a few minutes, and eating some lunch, patient was feeling 100% better.Y06/03/202106/03/20210PHMNoneNone206/03/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
137815306/07/2021HI24.024FFever within 24 hours, body aches, chills, lethargy Menstrual spotting 13 and 14 days post vaccination. Longer than average menstrual cycle by about 7 days.Y05/03/202105/04/20211MILOTC prenatal multivitaminn/an/a206/07/2021spironolactone, vigamox, cats2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
148752907/20/2021HI24.024MPatient received Moderna vaccine for 1st dose and inadvertently given Pfizer for the second dose. No ASE's noted. No complaint of pain, dizziness, swelling, fever, chills, body aches, headaches or nausea.Y07/20/202107/20/20210NonePUBUnknownNoneNone207/20/2021None reported2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
150347107/26/2021HI24.024FPatient developed cough, sore throat, and nasal congestion on 7/23/2021. She tested positive for COVID on 7/25/202101/13/202107/23/2021191She tested positive for COVID on 7/25/2021UNK207/26/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
151263207/29/2021HI24.024MBased on patient interview on 30 Jun 2020, the specific timeline of symptom onset following vaccine receipt on 24 May 2019 is "hard to pinpoint". SM does, however, recall experiencing swelling of his left wrist accompanied by a burning sensation on the eveN05/24/201905/24/20190Between Jun 2019 and Jul 2020: Multiple lab studies have been completed to include, but not limited to, complement studies, tryptase, IgG subclasses, inflammatory markers, Cardiolipin Ab, ENA panel, Celiac Disease Panel, Cryoglobulin screen, viral culturesMILFish oilNoneTBI; Tinnitus; Pneumonia (2015)207/29/2021YNKDA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
151620407/30/2021HI24.024FFully vaccinated and tested positive for COVID-1903/02/202107/30/2021150PVT207/30/2021Ynka2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
152314008/03/2021HI24.024FPatient fully vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on 01/29/2021 lot# EN5318; and second dose Pfizer COVID -19 vaccine on 02/19/2021 lot# EN6200. Contracted COVID-19 on 8/2/2021 with mild symptoms.N02/19/202108/02/2021164PVTObesity (BMI greater than 50.9)208/03/2021YNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
165755808/31/2021HI24.024Fsymptoms started 8/26/21 with congestion, runny nose, body aches and headache. Covid positive 8/30/21 Symptoms improving 8/30/2101/28/202108/26/2021210UNK208/31/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
166694509/02/2021HI24.024FPositive covid swab after being fully vaccinated.04/07/202108/31/2021146PVT209/02/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
168569109/09/2021HI24.024FAt first my entire upper left arm became red, hot, and tender within a day of receiving the shot. After a few days, it became an isolated red bump (~2 inches diameter?) that is still red, hot, and tender. It is only sore if I touch it. This bump hasn't chaN08/25/202108/01/2021PVT-Sertraline 50 mg -Junel Fe -Albuterol HFA inhalerNone-Asthma209/09/2021YNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
169694509/14/2021HI24.024FCovid positive 9/13/21U02/12/202109/13/2021213OTH209/14/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
178315810/13/2021HI24.024FCOVID hospitalization after full vaccination.Y304/01/202109/07/2021159UNK210/13/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX