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You are viewing patients aged: 30, in state: HI

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091678201/01/2021HI30.030FThe next day I had a sore throat, and now it has developed into a cold. Sore throat, running nose, had some chills and body aches.N12/28/202012/29/20201PVTNoneNone201/01/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
093454501/11/2021HI30.030FPatient had tachycardia and c/o chest tightness and palpitations s/p covid vaccine. BP 140/60 and HR of 110. O2 sats at 98% EKG performed. Patient was deemed ok to discharge and patient went home without further incidentY01/06/202101/06/20210EKG on 1/6/2021 was sinus tachycardia, narrow complex, regular rhythm. Assessment - palpitations related to anxiety and possibly dehydration.PVT201/11/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
096775701/23/2021HI30.030FOn day 8 post vaccine, my arm started itching. Large red circular rash around injection site.N01/15/202101/23/20218PVTPrenatalFlu201/23/2021Morphine and latex2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
098732401/29/2021HI30.030FScratchy throat ("feels like something sharp stuck in my throat"), vomiting (2/2 throat sensation), lightheadedness 1g Tylenol PO and 12 hours of sleep lead to resolution of symptomsY01/08/202101/08/20210NoneMILEffexor ERNoneGERD201/29/2021Soy milk2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
098737601/29/2021HI30.030MPt c/o slight throat numbness and slight dizziness aprox 20 minutes after receiving second dose of Pfizer Covid vaccine. Pt denied experiencing difficulty breathing, flushing of the skin, and itchiness.U01/29/202101/29/20210N/AMIL201/29/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
099301402/01/2021HI30.030MStaff used technique on cap removal of vaccine dose using left hand while right was holding patient right arm. This resulted in said staff member sticking themselves in left index finger, drawing blood. Staff stopped what they were doing and disposed of th02/01/202102/01/20210WRK202/01/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
099607002/02/2021HI30.030FStaff reported experiencing headache and body aches for 2 days that initially started about 6 hours after receiving her second dose of the vaccination. She felt ill enough to warrant absence from work following vaccination.Y01/13/202101/13/20210PVT202/02/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
100332102/04/2021HI30.030FRecieved Moderna vaccine on 2/2 at 10AM. Shortness of breath symptoms at 2pm. Adverse effects started at 10PM- extreme body aches. 2/3 at 3:00am took temperature 102F fever. Admitted to Urgent Care Facility at 7AM. Doctor ran EKG test, X-ray lungs, checkedU02/02/202102/03/20211NEGATIVE COVID -19 TestOTHEmergenC and Organic MultivitaminN/AN/A202/04/2021YN/A2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
102974602/14/2021HI30.030FSlight swelling at injection site. Itchy. Hard. Warm to the touch. NOT painful.02/06/202102/14/20218UNK202/14/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
103911602/18/2021HI30.030FTongue swelling, dysgeusia (metallic taste)Y01/06/202101/06/20210PVT202/18/2021YMorphine2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
105573902/25/2021HI30.030MAfter less then 5 minutes of receiving the Pfizer vaccine I experienced dizziness, difficulty breathing and I could feel my heart rate accelerating rapidly. This side affect lasted for about 5-10 minutes. After which I left and haven't felt right since andU02/25/202102/25/20210NilMILNilNilNil202/25/2021Nil2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
116924204/05/2021HI30.030FChills then fever. Persisting headache. Fatigue. Nausea.N04/02/202104/02/20210UNK204/05/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
117689004/07/2021HI30.030FMiscarriage of baby at 20 weeks and 3 days of gestation. Preterm labor. Due date was August 6, 2021. Baby was surgically removed on March 22, 2021.YY03/12/202103/21/20219Ultrasounds, fetal heart monitoring, routine blood work, examination of cervix.OTHLithium, Latuda, ConcertaBipolar Disorder204/07/2021YYAmoxicillian2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
119955704/12/2021HI30.030F30-year old female who had a reaction to the moderna vaccine s/p 1st dose this past Wednesday 4/7/2021. She developed 2 small itchy blisters on the injection site on the left deltoid on the following morning Thurs, 4/8/2021. Not painful. Blisters do not cU04/07/202104/08/20211n/aPVTNaproxen 500mg 1 tab PO BID PRN pain with food Ferrous Sulfate 325mg 1 tab PO daily AcetaminophenDorsalgia (upper back pain) - 4/5/2021 Migraine - 3/29/2021 Anemia -hgb 11.5 mildly low- 3/30/2021; patient placed on Ferrous Sulfaten/a204/12/2021YNKDA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
129626805/07/2021HI30.030MseizureY02/05/202102/16/202111MRI, EEG, 75 hour EEG, CT scan all negativePUBnonenonenone205/07/2021YYnone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
131629905/14/2021HI30.030M4/28 4am Fatigue 8am joint pain 10 am chest pain, difficulty breathing 8pm chills, sweating 4/29 Chest pain 4/30 2am vomite, chest pain, sweating, difficulty breathing. 3am myocarditis.YY2U04/27/202104/28/20211health has themPVT205/14/2021YY2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
131766105/14/2021HI30.030MPt tested +for COVID on 5/13/21 with mild symptoms. Lives with girlfriend who also tested +for COVID after being fully vacinatedY02/13/202105/13/202189PVT205/14/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
132157805/16/2021HI30.030FSystemic: Hypotension-Mild, Systemic: Nausea-Mild, Systemic: Vomiting-Mild, Additional Details: Patient became nauseous after recieving vaccine. After vomiting patient felt much better. BP low post vomiting but quickly returned back to normal. monitores foY05/15/202105/15/20210PHM205/16/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
134538605/24/2021HI30.030F05/18/2021 evening patient devleoped headache and pain 05/20 patient developed nausea 05/23 patient developed sore throatN05/18/202105/18/20210nonePHMunknownnonenone205/24/2021Ynone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
144473407/03/2021HI30.030FPatient was given Janssen covid 19 vaccine. Patient fainted during her 15 minutes post vaccine observation period. Patient regained consciousness and refused emergency medical help. Patient did not get inquired and felt better after after resting in the pY07/02/202107/02/20210n/aPHMn/anonenone207/03/2021Ynone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
148838307/20/2021HI31.030FPositive covid PCR with symptoms after fully vaccinatedN01/05/202107/20/2021196SARS-CoV2 PCRPVTNot knownunknownintermittent asthma207/20/2021Ynaproxen2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
154183108/10/2021HI30.030Mvac dates: 1/4/2021 1/22/2021 covid + 8/601/04/202108/06/2021214PVT208/10/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
158339108/18/2021HI30.030Fhives all over body, throat closing up 4 days after vaccinationY08/08/202108/12/20214ER on 8/12/21 no labs or other tests.UNKamlodipine, lamictalnonehtn, high triglycerides, prediabtes, fatty liver, obesity, mood disorder208/18/2021Ydust mite, aripiprazole.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
160230608/21/2021HI30.030FSwollen; Tiredness; Sore arm; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Sore arm), SWELLING (Swollen) and FATIGUE (Tiredness) in a 30-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19U03/25/202103/01/2021UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/17/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
165162908/28/2021HI30.030MSecond dose given 6 days early (22 days instead of 28 days). No adverse event reported.Y08/23/202108/23/20210PHM208/28/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
168028009/07/2021HI30.030FAllergic reaction to my face, swollen, red, blotchy. My head became really hot as wellY09/03/202109/04/20211PHMn/an/an/a209/07/2021n/a2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
168303809/08/2021HI30.030Fmalaise, headache, dry cough01/12/202109/07/2021238PVT209/08/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
174239009/28/2021HI30.030Fleft sided numbness (starting approx 12 hours after injection, resolved within 24 hours), fever resolved within 24 hours, seen in Urgent Care today for supraclavicular lymphadenopathy (worsening)N09/08/202109/12/20214no tests/labsWRKnerve tonic for anxiety - calcarea, ferrum phosphoricum, kali phosphoricum, magnesia phosphorica, natrum phosphoricum sertraline 137.5mg nightly cranberry supplementnoanxiety disorder headache disorder209/28/2021Ynone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
174302509/29/2021HI30.030MRed rash all over face, neck, chest, and back.U09/23/202109/27/20214NAMILNoneNoneNone209/29/2021YNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
174753709/30/2021HI30.030FRinging in left ear with decreased hearing. Feels like pulsating in ear intermittently. Other times it?s just ringing or whirling sensation. Have not seen provider yet for symptoms/adverse reaction.N09/02/202109/06/20214NoneMILNoneNonePsoriasis209/30/2021Penicillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
176544010/06/2021HI30.030FFever ~100.2 (24 hours), headache (72 hours), chills (48 hours), body aches (72 hours).Y01/08/202101/08/20210WRKoral contraceptives210/06/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
185367311/09/2021HI30.030FUnexpected bleeding in menstrual cycle. After the unexpected bleeding, menstrual cycle started early after first Covid 19 shot when my menstrual cycle had been consistent for years.07/30/202108/19/202120MIL211/09/2021Sulfa2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
186049711/11/2021HI30.030FSignificant increase in joint pain, particularly in knees, shoulders, and hips began within a couple weeks of receiving the vaccine. Pain has not decreased since it had begun. I have had multiple blood tests for joint related disorders and autoimmune diseaN05/22/202105/22/20210PHMAdderalNoneNone211/11/2021YYNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX