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You are viewing patients aged: 4, in state: MD

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092573701/07/2021MD3.04UNo other AE/PQC identified; Caller reports AE related to administration of expired PROQUAD; Excursion occurred 11/17/2020; This spontaneous report was received from a office manager concerning to a 3-year-old patient of unknown gender. The patient's medicaU12/22/202011/17/2020UNKUS0095075132012USA013006201/07/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
099151502/01/2021MD4.04FFever 101 and emesis started on 1/29/202101/28/202101/29/20211PVTAcute pharyngitis202/01/2021YNKDA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
111419403/19/2021MD4.04UNo additional AE.; Patient was administered improperly stored PROQUAD on 03/12/2021.; This spontaneous report has been received from a nurse, concerning a 4 years old patient of unknown gender. The patient's past medical history, concurrent conditions, drU03/12/202103/12/20210UNKUS0095075132103USA004233203/17/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
112308703/22/2021MD4.04UNo additional AE. No PQC.; Patient was administered improperly stored PROQUAD on 03/11/2021.; This spontaneous report has been received from a nurse, referring about a patient of unknown gender who was 4 years old. Information about the patient's pertinentU03/11/202103/11/20210UNKUS0095075132103USA004887203/21/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
115740404/01/2021MD4.04UNo adverse event; Patient was administered improperly stored PROQUAD; This spontaneous report has been received from a nurse concerning a 4 years old patient of unknown gender.The patient's concurrent conditions, historical drugs, medical history and concU03/11/202103/11/20210UNKUS0095075132103USA004186204/01/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
117354904/06/2021MD4.04Mshoulder tic, arm tic, right eyelid tic; movement of the right eyelid; This case was reported by a other health professional via sales rep and described the occurrence of motor tic in a 4-year-old male patient who received HAV (Havrix) (batch number 532H4,N03/23/202103/26/20213UNKUSGLAXOSMITHKLINEUS202107204/06/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
122495904/18/2021MD4.04Fexpired TYPHIM VI was inadvertently administered to patients, no AE; Initial information received on 30-Mar-2021 regarding an unsolicited valid non-serious case from other health professional and physician. This case involves a 4 years old female patient U03/30/202103/30/20210UNKMENACTRAUSSA2021SA108603204/16/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
123008104/19/2021MD4.04MVaccine was given on 4/14/2021 and pt mother contacted us on 4/15/2021 and was scheduled for a visit on 4/15/2021. Treatment was Ibuprofen 200mg 10ml by oral route in office.Symptoms were that he was limping and avoiding weight bearing on L lower extremitY04/14/202104/15/20211n/aPVTNot taking medication before vaccination but was given Ibuprofen 200mg on 4/15/21 10ml by oral route in office and repeated two doses later.N/An/a204/19/2021YN/A2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
135135005/26/2021MD4.04MPt received expired Pentacel. Expiration date was 5/14/2021.U05/26/202105/26/20210NonePUBNoneNo illnessNone205/26/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
149823307/23/2021MD4.04FPt received vaccines two days before symptoms began. Pt had a fever starting at 2:00 am with a temperature of 103.5 taken axillary. Father reports giving patient tylenol which helped resolve the fever in two hours (at 4:00 am). Pt's temperature rose back uY07/21/202107/23/20212nonePVTPt started having a fever at 2:00 am of a temperature of 103.5 taken axillary. Pt was givem 7 ml of Tylenol and parents reported Pt was feeling better. Fever started again at 11:00 am with a temperature of 104.0. Again, Pt was given TylenolProductive cough.NONE207/23/2021YPt has seasonal allergies. NKDA.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
151962908/02/2021MD4.04FSeizure on 07/15/2021Y07/06/202107/15/20219NonePVTkeppra 100 mg/ml 2ml twice a day flovent 44 mcg 2 puffs BIDNoEpilepsy Global Developmental Delay Autism208/02/2021YNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
153394108/07/2021MD4.04Mafter a below freezing temperature excursion; Inappropriate age at vaccine administration; This case was reported by a physician via call center representative and described the occurrence of inappropriate age at vaccine administration in a 4-year-old maleU07/28/202107/28/20210UNKUSGLAXOSMITHKLINEUS202116208/06/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
154530708/11/2021MD4.04FLeft conjunctival erythema08/10/202108/11/20211nonePVTnonenonenone208/11/2021Ynone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
159186208/20/2021MD4.04Fvaccination administered to wrong patient with the same first name and age.Y08/20/202108/20/20210PUB208/20/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
167925009/07/2021MD4.04MThere is redness and warmness with no itchiness or pain on both arms in upper parts at the location of injection of prevnar and Kinrix. Patient is in his regular appetite and activity. Hydroxyzine oral for 3-4 days. Outcome is unknown and will follow up.U09/02/202109/07/20215PVT209/07/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
171575209/20/2021MD4.04FMy 4yo was mistakenly administered 3ml of the pfizer covid vaccine at the pharmacy when we went in for a flu shot. she did not experience any adverse side effects and it's been 48 hours after the fact. I wanted to report this as it was an adult dose and obY09/18/202109/18/20210PHMnonenonenone209/20/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
171777309/21/2021MD4.04MPROQUAD vaccine was administered 23AUG2021 following a supported temperature excursion; This spontaneous report has been received from a healthcare business professional, a chief executive officer, referring to a 4-year-old male patient. No information regU08/23/202102/01/2017UNKUS0095075132109USA003217209/20/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
173714109/27/2021MD4.04MREDNESS ON RIGHT THIGHY09/23/202109/24/20211PVT209/27/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
173777109/27/2021MD4.04FBells Palsy (Left side of face); First appeared day following the vaccine; Remains ongoing, awaiting neurology consult.N08/26/202108/27/20211Labs completed to include lymes and covid. All test were negative. All lab values including WBCs were within normal range.PVTN/AN/AN/A209/27/2021YN/A2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
186334111/12/2021MD4.04Fgiven FluLaval after being frozen at -0.45C; This case was reported by a nurse via call center representative and described the occurrence of incorrect storage of drug in a female patient who received Flu Seasonal QIV Quebec (FluLaval Tetra 2021-2022 seasoU11/03/2021UNKUSGLAXOSMITHKLINEUS202123211/11/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX