Welcome to Guest Worker Visas, Version 4.0, developed by Virgil Bierschwale, a Displaced American Software Developer and Navy Veteran.

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You are viewing patients aged: 51, in state: XB

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118513204/09/2021XB51.051FABOUT hour after injection started with itchy throat, progressed within 5 to 10 minutes to dry cough, the persistent dry cough, about 20 minutes after symptoms started 1 puff from inhaler, coughing increased to non stop unable to breath, co worker (LVN) caYY2Y03/30/202103/30/20210WRKNONENONEDIABETES, HYPOTHYROIDISM , ASTHMA204/09/2021YDAIRY PRODUCTS2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX