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You are viewing patients aged: 53, in state: HI

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093956601/12/2021HI53.053FInjection site itchy the first day, developed to hives the next dayY12/30/202001/10/202111N/APUBHydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg, Irbesartan 300mgNoneHTN201/12/2021Doxycycline, Shellfish2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
094287901/13/2021HI53.053MReceived 2nd vaccination in series on 11 JAN 21. By next morning started to experience some muscle and joint symptoms. By afternoon of 12 JAN 21 experienced sudden onset loss of bladder control for first time in his life, followed a few hours later by bluY2N01/11/202101/12/20211Troponin I mildly elevated (0.059 ng/ml. CXR, Echocardiogram, CT and MRI of head and neck NL.MILLIPITOR, CYMBALTA, 81 MG ASAN/APTSD, SCIATICA201/13/2021YPEANUTS, OXYCODONE, PCN, PRAZOSIN, AMIDE CLASS ANESTHETICS2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
096239501/21/2021HI53.053MHives on chest, back, legs and groinN01/19/202101/20/20211OTHNoneGallbladder stonesNone201/21/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
096710401/22/2021HI53.053Fchest tightness/spasm in right pectoral muscle; monitored; resolved 5 minsY01/22/202101/22/20210Vital signs monitored; stableOTHAcyclovir, amlodipine, atorvastatin, baclofen, calcium carbonate, celecoxib, cholecalciferol, docusate, duloxetine, gabapentin, hydrocodone/acet, levothyroxine, metformin, pantoprazole, potassium chloride, zinc, sennosides, zolpidem, appleNoneDMII, osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, hypothyroidism, hyperlipidemia, depression201/22/2021sulfa, penicillin, teriflunomide, dimethyl fumarate2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
098849101/30/2021HI53.053MDouble vision experienced in right eye upon waking up this morning. Contacted health care provider. Recommended eye drops over the next few days and to call back if symptoms persist.N01/28/202101/30/20212OTHNone.None.Migraine, cancer (currently in remission).201/30/2021YNone.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
099244402/01/2021HI53.053FRash and mild hive in injection area with onset 8 days after injection, duration 5 daysY01/16/202101/24/20218noneSCHfamotidine, vitamin C, B complex, iron, multivitamin, zincnonenone202/01/2021seasonal, mold2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
100354102/04/2021HI53.053MAfter both shots, the second on 1/27/21, I got a severe migraine within 2 hours that lasted 5 days. After day 5 the symptoms went away. During the time of the migraine I treated it with 2 doses of rizatriptan ODT per day.Y12/30/202012/30/20200PUBLotsGastrointestinal problems, migraines, PTSD, Bipolar, chronic pain in neck and back, rotator cuff tear and surgery, Copd202/04/2021Lots2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
101778102/09/2021HI53.053FThe vaccine was administered way too high into my rotator cuff, not in the deltoid muscle belly. The injection hurt and felt like she hit a tendon or nerve and hasn?t stopped hurting.N02/08/202102/08/20210None at this time.OTHCelebrex, ClonidineIn my 30?s a Hepatitis vaccine hit a nerve in my arm and I had pain for about a month.202/09/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
102012902/09/2021HI53.053UOnset of Facial numbness and flushing on R periorbital region. Spread to lateral periorbital area near R eye. Peaked and began to resolve in 15 min. Mild residual numbness.Y02/05/202102/05/20210VS: T96.8F, P80 BPM.OTHNoneNone202/05/2021Perfumes, pollen, various environmental2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
102726902/12/2021HI53.053FAfter receiving 2nd doss of COVID 19 Lot #043L20A developed facial numbness, flushing, on right periorbital region, spreading to Lateral periorbital area near the right eye. Side effect occurred after the 15 minute wait following the vaccination. She retuN02/05/202102/05/20210NonePUBunknownnonenone202/12/2021YPerfumes, pollen, various environmental allergies2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
103723502/17/2021HI53.053FEarlier that morning took 25mg of Benadryl to address allergic reaction of contact dermatitis. After receiving Covid Moderna vaccine: 30 minutes after shot: tiredness, mild lightheadedness 60 minutes after shot: light rash noticed on forearms and palms wiY02/10/202102/10/20210OTHAmnitripyline, benadrylNoneTBI202/17/2021YYInfrequent reaction of hives for shrimp and itch for oranges Contact dermatitis for rubber2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
106666703/02/2021HI53.053MPain at the injection site, tiredness, headache, and chills.N03/01/202103/01/20210PVTVitamins (D3, E, B, C) and fiber supplement.NoneHigh blood pressure203/02/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
112558703/23/2021HI53.053FFever; Upset stomach; This case was reported by a consumer via call center representative and described the occurrence of fever in a 53-year-old female patient who received Herpes zoster (Shingrix) for prophylaxis. In March 2020, the patient received theY03/01/2020UNKUSGLAXOSMITHKLINEUS202106203/23/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
113368303/25/2021HI53.053FHives on abdomen and back for 4 days.Y03/03/202103/11/20218No other medical tests, labs or treatment other than Covid shot.PUBIron Calcium/Vit D Multi-vitaminNoneNone203/25/2021Penicillin, Sulfa2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
119960904/12/2021HI53.053MAbout 10 days after first dose of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, began to have itchy rashes all over the body. 3 days later as I write this, I still have these rashes.N03/30/202104/09/202110SCHMetformin HCL 850 Mg Tablet Januvia 100 Mg Tablet Invokana 110 Mg Tablet Glipizide ER 10 Mg Tablet Atorvastatin 10 Mg TabletN/ADiabetes Type II204/12/2021YN/A2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
122749404/19/2021HI53.053FTinnitus started on 4/8, had a deep tissue massage that eve, noticed ringing that night... cold sore on my lip started around 4/12N03/25/202104/18/202124None, I visited my GP on 4/13, no swelling or infection seen in my earPUBSunosi, vit c, d... DHEANoneNarcolepsy204/19/2021YGluten and wheat sensitive2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
123061104/19/2021HI54.053Fabdominal pain got worse every day until Friday after midnight, it became unbearable so went to ER. Did Cat scan and showed evidence that looked like kidney stones had just passed. Today is Monday and she is still in pain on right side abdomen front and N04/13/202104/14/20211CAT SCAN 4/16 midnight- 4/17 2AMOTHRaloxifene, Fluoxetine, some tea, lots of coffeenonenone204/19/2021Ynone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
126494504/27/2021HI53.053FPt received COVID vaccine at COVID Vaccination Clinic. Stayed in Observation for 15 minutes without issues. Walking to her car, pt reported feeling dizzy and nauseated. Hall monitor updated Observation staff. Pt assisted into wheelchair and returned to Y03/27/202103/27/20210aboveOTHUnkunkunk204/27/2021nka2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
128260205/03/2021HI53.053Fpatient c/o numbness of the fingertips of the R hand since last Wednesday, 4/28/2021. Denies any headache, nausea/vomiting, chest pain, dyspnea, dizziness, vertigo, slurred speech, weakness. Patient received her 1st Moderna vaccine on 3/31/2021 on the lefN04/28/202104/30/20212n/aPVTLosartan 100mg 1 tab PO dailyn/ahypertension205/03/2021YShrimp2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
131863205/14/2021HI53.053FPt appears to have the onset of Paranoia, and hearing voices following receipt of the Covid Vaccine. She did not have any of these symptoms in her prior history. According to her, and her sister, it seems to have started since receiving the vaccineN04/16/202104/24/20218PVTHyperlipidemia205/14/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
132503105/17/2021HI53.053FPer recovery RN documentation:05/17/2021 0813 MRN 1572066 Patient Sex: female DOB: 07/02/1967 Vaccine time: 0754 Reaction time: 0813 Symptoms: Patient was discharged from the clinic and she came back into the building c/o itchy throat and heavy shoulders. 05/17/202105/17/20210UNK205/17/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
132538105/17/2021HI53.053FStarted with pins and needles in my left hand followed by numbness in thumb and index finger and rights side of hand. I spoke to my doctor who advised me to come in to the clinic if it was still numb next Monday 24th May 2021N05/07/202105/09/20212SCHOxycodone, DilaudidFibromyalgia, Arnold Chiari Malformation, Degenerative Disc Disease, Autoimmune Disease (Suspected Lyme Disease)205/17/2021YPenicillin, Metronidizole, Flagyl, Morphine2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
136999806/03/2021HI53.053Fpatient fully vaccinated. returned home after out of state travel on 5/30/21, started having symptoms while on the plane (sinus/nasal congestion, fatigue).N02/25/202105/30/2021946/1/2021: covid-19 test positivePVT206/03/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
145722907/08/2021HI53.053F+COVID infection after completing vaccine seriesU05/11/202107/07/202157Component 7/7/2021 SARS-COV-2 NAA (COVID-19) Detected (A)PVTLosartan 50mg dailyNoneHypertension, Prediabetes, intermittent asthma, hyperlipidemia207/08/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
147127307/14/2021HI53.053FPt started with toe tingling around 4/3 - 4/7. Came to ER on 5/6 and had an US that was negative for DVT. Admitted to the hospital on 7/8/21 with an ischemic left foot. Underwent arteriogram LE, angiojet thrombectomy left pop artery, penumbra thrombectomy YY6YU03/22/202104/03/202112Platelets: 7/8: 218, 7/9: 179, 7/10:156, 7/11: 182, 7/12: 203, 7/13: 131. PF-4 drawn 7/14 and pending.PVTLevothyroxineNoneHypothyroidism207/14/2021No known allergies2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
147543807/15/2021HI53.053MCOVID19 positive after full vaccination. Date of positive test 7/14/2021N04/13/202107/14/202192COVID19 positive after full vaccination. Date of positive test 7/14/2021PVTN/AnoneDm2207/15/2021No known allergies2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
149092807/21/2021HI53.053Fpatient developed cough, runny nose, and body aches on 7/17/2021. She tested positive for COVID on 7/19/2021.06/17/202107/17/202130tested positive for COVID on 7/19/2021.UNK207/21/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
149571907/22/2021HI53.053FThis patient is fully vaccinated for Covid-19 On 7/17/21 patient was exposed to a family member who tested positive for Covid-19. On 7/21/21 patient tested positive for Covid-19U04/08/202107/18/20211017/21/21 Covid-19 (naso swab) - positivePHM207/22/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
150718707/28/2021HI53.053MCough and nasal congestion developed on 7/25/2021. Tested positive for COVID on 7/26/202105/19/202107/25/202167Tested positive for COVID on 7/26/2021UNK207/28/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
153780508/10/2021HI53.053MDizziness, Light-headedness, Fatigue, heaviness in legs, all increasing in severity each day. No treatment sought yet at this time.N07/31/202108/01/20211PHMnonenonenone208/10/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
156755708/15/2021HI53.053MFever; Night time Chills; Received 3 Moderna Covid-19 vaccinations; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of INCORRECT DOSE ADMINISTERED (Received 3 Moderna Covid-19 vaccinations), CHILLS (Night time Chills) and PYREY12/30/202012/30/20200UNKArthritis (Left shoulder and right foot)USMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/11/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
156791108/15/2021HI53.053Msore arm; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of PAIN IN EXTREMITY (sore arm) in a 53-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 011J20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The paU12/30/202012/30/20200UNKArthritis (left shoulder and right foot)Medical History/Concurrent Conditions: Swelling of fingersUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/11/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
170192609/16/2021HI53.053FRash developed in the LT arm followed by a warmth sensation from the bottom of spine all the way to the throat which started to get swollen and constricted about 38 min after the vaccination. Self treated with 1 dose of claritin which relived partially theYYN09/04/202109/04/20210nonePVTCOQ10, VIT B COMPLEX, EMERGENC, CURCUMIN, ASEA, VIT D/K, VIT C LIPOSSOMIC, COD LIVER OILGadolinium deposition diseaseGadolinium deposition disease209/16/2021YGADOLINIUM2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
171019709/18/2021HI53.053FCovid vaccinated and covid positiveN01/12/202109/17/2021248PVT209/18/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
172545009/23/2021HI53.053MNeck pain followed my eye orbital pain and swollen left eye soreness to the touch. Sore when I blink. Bone around eye socket is sore. Nothing injury related. No recent accidents.N09/20/202109/21/20211UNKNoneNoneNone209/23/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
173614809/27/2021HI53.053MStandard achy, headache, chills. Started 7 hours later, lasting 24 hours. Difference, significant left armpit lymph node swelling, day 2, not present after first or second vaccine.U09/24/202109/24/20210Not yet.PVTNoneNoneNone209/27/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
173733609/27/2021HI53.053FBruising, joint pains in right ankle, knees and wrist. Swollen lymph nodes under left arm pit and swelling on right ankle. Previously had swollen lymph nodes on right arm arm that went down.N07/09/202108/20/202142Various Test RanPVTNoneNoneNone209/27/2021YTylenol Aspirin Shell fish2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
184137311/03/2021HI53.053FThe Moderna vaccine was taken out of the freezer and placed in to the refrigerator on 9/8/2021. The vaccine was administered beyond the 30 days of which the vaccine is recommended to be kept in the refrigerator. No adverse reaction occurred during the 15 m10/22/202110/22/20210PUB211/03/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
185809211/10/2021HI53.053Mdizziness, headache (still have 6 days after second dose (shot on 4 Nov 2021), Pain in left arm up to when i had second dose (feels like a typhoid shot). An hour after first dose had cramps/squeezing in my left testicle. I had chest pain after the seconU10/14/202110/14/20210i haven't seen doctor yet.PVTnonechest infectiondiabetes, hemorrhoids, hernia211/10/2021aspirin, albuterol, mefloquine2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
186348411/12/2021HI53.053F2nd Dose administered beyond 30-day use; This spontaneous case was reported by a health care professional and describes the occurrence of EXPIRED PRODUCT ADMINISTERED (2nd Dose administered beyond 30-day use) in a 53-year-old female patient who received mRY10/22/202110/22/20210UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20213211/10/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
186348511/12/2021HI53.053F2nd Dose administered beyond 30-day use; This spontaneous case was reported by a nurse and describes the occurrence of EXPIRED PRODUCT ADMINISTERED (2nd Dose administered beyond 30-day use) in a 53-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COY10/22/202110/22/20210UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20213211/10/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX