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You are viewing patients aged: 64, in state: TN

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092866701/08/2021TN64.064FNone stated.01/06/202101/07/20211PUBOTC Zinc 50mg 1/day OTC D3 125 mg 1/day OTC Vitamin C 100mg 1/day Bupropion XL 300mg 1/day Amlodipine 5 mg 1/day Simvastatin 20mg 1/day Metoprolol ER 50mg 1/day Verapamil ER 240 mg 1/dayarthritis201/08/2021penicillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
092971001/08/2021TN64.064Fon day 10 after the vaccine my L arm got red and hot and about the size of a half dollar, now it is day 13 and the redness is larger about 3x5 in size still red and hot and a bit sore.N12/26/202001/05/202110PUBtrulicity,metformin,lisonipril,baby asprin,zoloft,nexiumnodiabetic type 2201/08/2021no known allergies2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
094537501/14/2021TN64.064Fabout 20 minutes later, cheeks felt flushed and turned bright red, slight itching around the face and upper bodyY01/14/202101/14/20210PUBlisinopril, prozac, vitamin D, 325mg aspirinnonenone201/14/2021Cervidil (dinoprostone)2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
095268901/18/2021TN64.064FAfter I received the vaccine went home rested temp went up one time 99.0. The next day woke up heart was pounding check my BP 150/80 laid back down. I woke up around 5pm my BP had elevated to 160 (don't remember diastolic reading) pulse rate normal limits.Y2N12/28/202012/29/202012 EKG,CT Scan, Chest X-ray, 2 sets bloodworkPVTEstrogen, Vit D, Multivitamin, ElderberryUTI (one month prior)Arthritis (left knee)vsafe201/18/2021YNo2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
095509001/19/2021TN64.064Futicaria and pruritis with papules present, started day 8 after injection, and continues currently although uticaria are beginning to fade.N01/07/202101/15/20218OTHlosartan, amlodipine, levothyroxinenoHypertension, hypothyroidism201/19/2021allergy to morphine - migraines and vomiting2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
097207001/25/2021TN64.064FShe experienced headache, dizziness and SOB. Later she developed diarrhea, then swelling in her both feet and right knee. She was admitted to the hospital for tests last Friday night and was discharged with gout. They drew fluid from her knee and left anklYN01/14/202101/21/20217SEN201/25/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
099692602/03/2021TN64.064Fheadache, joint and muscle aches, chills, fatigue, nauseaN01/31/202102/01/20211SENDose 1 Covid 19 Moderna202/03/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
100227902/04/2021TN64.064FShortly after the vaccination I developed a really bad headache for the first 2 days. Stopped for a day and returned for another day and went away on its own. I had inside body chills, felt weak and tired and had a little sinus pressure but no fever whichU01/20/202101/20/20210noPVTClonodine, 81 mg Aspirin, Hydralazine, Lorizipan, Lasix, Rena-BitebracycardiaHypertension, Renal issuesvsafe202/04/2021Penicillin, Percocet2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
100346502/04/2021TN64.064F9 days after injection, swelling, redness, itching and heat at injection site. All symptoms increased in the next 24 hours. Swelling advanced to elbow and rash spread across upper arm from front to back. Center of rash became mottled and peeled. No pain buN01/22/202102/02/202111Went to Walk in clinic the next day. Doctor was not sure of the source of the response but prescribed Clindamycin (450 mg 2x/day) and Betamethasone Topical ointment (0.05%) 2x/day.OTHLexipro 7.5 mg, Omeprazole 40 mgNoneNoneRash on chest after first Shingrix vaccine. No adverse response after 2nd shot.202/04/2021YPenicillin, Cipro, Shellfish, Fosamax, Sulfa Drugs2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
100836102/06/2021TN64.064FI developed a headache, muscle aches and fatigue the day after the vaccine. The symptoms dissipated after Motrin, but kept returning. I tested positive for Covid on 1/2/21.Y12/30/202012/31/20201Covid PCR tesstPUBZyrtec, Astelin, Flonase Sensimist, Calcium 500mg, Vitamin D 2000 units, Estradiol patch 0.05mg, Progesterone 100 mgNoneNone202/06/2021Penicillin, Sulfa2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
101225602/08/2021TN64.064FObtained 1st Moderna Covid Vaccine on 2/4/21, about 9 minutes c/o tingling all over and not feeling good. 2:24pm-Alert, HR 179, BP 170/78, O2 sat 97%. 2:25 p.m. - Benadryl 50mg Im given R deltoid. HR 94, 2:28pm-HR 98, O2 sat 94%. 2:29pm-HR 88. 2:31pm-HR 8802/04/202102/04/20210PUBUnknownUnknownUnknown202/05/2021YPCN years ago per patient.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
102732102/12/2021TN64.064FSevere back pain emanating from spine to left ribs with movement of leg and raising/reaching with arm, rating pain a 10 out of 10. I grimaced out loud with any movement. It felt like a vise grip that would break my back apart. Initially, it began as slightU02/10/202102/11/20211I scheduled appointment with my orthopedic doctor for 2/17/21WRKOmeprazole, multi-vitamin, vitamin D3, glucosamine chondroitinNoneseasonal rhinitis, spondylothesis L4-L5Zostavax, age 60 in 2016. Left arm swollen beyond the injection site, redness, pain. I contacted my PCP.202/12/2021Ypenicillen, bactrim, keflex2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
103810002/18/2021TN64.064MChills started 9:00pm day of shot. Chills, headache and fever throughout the night. Following day of vaccine: Chills, fever 100.8 , slight headache02/17/202102/17/20210PUBLevothyroxine, Atorvastatin, Folic Acid, LorsartanNonePolymyalgia Rheumatica (takes methotrexate 4 x 2.5 weekly)202/18/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
105017302/23/2021TN64.064FPt complained of swelling of left side of face and feeling as if her throat was swelling.U02/23/202102/23/20210PUB202/23/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
105307402/24/2021TN64.064MFever, chills, dizzyN02/23/202102/24/20211PHMTo many to countCovidAsthma, Minimal change diseaseFlu shot202/24/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
106729903/02/2021TN64.064Fset on fire insideU02/23/202102/23/20210PUBvitron c, esomeprazole magnesium 40 mg, alprazolam, metformin 500 mg, trazodone, gabapentin 300mg, Januviadiabetes203/02/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
107910503/07/2021TN64.064FWithin 10-15 minutes of receiving the shot, my face and ears became very flushed and hot; I felt as if I had a large dose of a Medrol Dose-pak/steroid. I did not have any difficulty breathing, nor did I feel my throat constricting or other symptoms of anapY03/02/202103/02/20210NoneOTHI can provide a detailed list, if needed. (I take many)Hypertension, IBS and Chronic migraines203/07/2021Penicillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
108260203/08/2021TN64.064FModerna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Symptoms: fever of 101 degrees, bad body aches, nausea, sore arm , fatigue ; and this was first vaccine Had Covid 12-31-2020 and lasted 2 weeks with fever off and onU03/05/202103/06/20211PHMNexium, Atorvastatin, alendronate sodiumRefluxNew shingles vaccine, age 62203/08/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
108475203/09/2021TN64.064FSevere muscle spasms (requiring a muscle relaxer); low grade fever (99.3) and chills.N02/24/202103/08/202112NonePUBCentrum Silver multivitaminsNoneNone203/09/2021None known2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
108632003/09/2021TN64.064FAfter shot on 24th, tightness in left side of face and can't blink left eye normally, cornea drying out.YN02/24/202102/24/20210PHM2016, February had shingles which was diagnosed incorrectly and later developed Ramsey Hunt , left side of face dropped. after acupuncture for several months improved and could blink normally, but have some weakness in left side of face.203/09/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109018603/11/2021TN64.064Fblood pressure was 286/89/blood pressure was so high; rapid heartbeat; severe inflammatory reaction; fever; headaches; body was in a weakened state; pain in arm; swelling up her arm/swelling in hands; had a severe reaction; swelling at injection site; hot;N02/18/202102/18/20210Test Date: 20210220; Test Name: blood pressure measurement; Result Unstructured Data: 286/89; Test Date: 20210220; Test Name: test; Result Unstructured Data: severe inflammatory reactionUNKTIZANIDINE; FLUVOXAMINE; SYNTHROID; VITAMIN D [COLECALCIFEROL]; VITAMIN C [ASCORBIC ACID]; FISH OILLung disorder (lung function compromised); Penicillin allergy (Allergy to Penicillin and Sulfa drugs); Pseudobulbar affect; Sulfonamide allergy; Vitamin D deficiencyMedical History/Concurrent Conditions: Brain swelling (swelling on back of brain stem); Memory loss; Pneumonia; Speech disorder (problems with speech); Traumatic brain injuryUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210203/08/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109073003/11/2021TN64.064Fpt states that when she woke up next day after taking vax she was extremely tired, felt like she has diarrhea (but did not actually have it), chills, and shaking. Her left arm is hurting from the injection site to her neck and down to her elbow. Pt says N03/10/202103/11/20211noSENvitamin C 1000 un, vitamin D 5000 un, B12 2000mg, Zinc 50mg, Turmeric 1000mg, potassium chloride ER 10mg, atorvastatin 80mg, losartan HC 100 12.5 mg, levothyroxine 88mcg,noHBP, Low Thyroid, high Cholesterol, low potassium,203/11/2021some of the "statin" meds2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109740903/13/2021TN64.064FWithin 5 minutes of injection my eyes begin burning, my head started swimming and I could not focus my vision ,my heart was racing. I had no breathing issues and was able to get through it as it only lasted 6 to 7 minutes. But I'm very concerned as to takiY03/11/202103/11/20210I did not report at the time as they were extremely busy and I felt fine after the episode passed.PVTNoneNoneOverweight,hypertension203/13/2021Latex, plants and molds2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109765503/13/2021TN64.064Fpt was vomiting, near syncope, tremors, laid pt down and put her in trending burg, pt responded well BP was 112/62 911 was called. pt recovered and was able to verbalize how she was feeling and was transported to ER for further evaluation.U03/13/202103/13/20210nonePVTamLODIPine 5 mg tablet TAKE 1 TABLET BY MOUTH ONCE DAILY chlorthalidone 25 mg tablet TAKE 1 TABLET BY MOUTH ONCE DAILY cloNIDine HCL 0.1 mg tablet stopped by hospitalist clotrimazole 1 % topical cream APPLY TO THE AFFECTED AND SURROUNchest pain CATH 9/4/19: Normal Coronary arteries, Nl LV function. Echo 4/2019: EF 65-70%, Grade 2 DD, mild eccentric MV regurgitation chronic obstructive lung disease Normal PFT (8/17/20) on chronic medications. Sleep apnea a consideration per PFT report. 203/13/2021YBeta-Blockers (Beta-Adrenergic Blocking Agts) bradycardia, severe citalopram other, moderate QT prolonged Compazine other, mild to moderate twtiching reported with it's use morphine OxyContin tuberculin, purified protein derivative2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109820203/14/2021TN64.064FSaturday night around 9:45 my hands and arms began itching. Then i noticed they had broken out in a red rash with whelps beginning on my arms. It then began breaking out on my face and legs. I took 25 mg of benadryl. The rash continued to spread so I 03/07/202103/13/20216PVTProbiotic GX, Vitaminnonepre-diabetic203/14/2021Ynone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
110408403/16/2021TN64.064FAdmitted to hospital- Acute severe progressive hypoxic respiratory failure- intubated, trach placed, COVID-19 pneumonia, Afib Patient treated at primary care office 01/13/2021 for respiratory illness (tested negative for COVID at this time), had vaccine 01YY43N01/20/202101/20/20210patient admitted 01/29/2021 through 03/12/2021 and now in rehab facility. Many tests done including labs, imaging. COVID-19 testing done on 01/21/2021 at urgent care. CT Chest 01/31/2021 findings: Multifocal infiltrate, presumed infectious pneumoniaPUBMetformin, Folic Acid, Ambien, Hydrocodone, Lipitor, Buspirone, Gabapentin, Effexor, Lisinopril, Pantoprazole, Synthroid, Baclofen, Diclofenactreated by PCP office on 01/13/2021 for cough, shortness of breath and sore throatDiabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, Hypothyroid, Chronic pain203/16/2021Codeine2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
110871203/17/2021TN64.064MPatient reports muscles aches, joint aches, fever, chillsY02/18/202102/18/20210PVTUNKNOWNUNKNOWNUNKNOWN203/17/2021NKDA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
110892503/17/2021TN64.064FSmall blisters in mouth along with pain in jaw and severe headache on left side began approximately 1 hour after taking the vaccine. Arm sore, headache and pain continues on left side of neck and jaw on the left side along with feeling fatigue. Took ibupN03/16/202103/16/20210NonePHMLyrica, vitamins,NoneArthritis Basilar Artery Disorder Asthma Diabetes Type 2 Meniere?s Disease Bloods Clots in legs previously x2 79-80 Herniated Disk--foot drop remains on R side Trigeminal Neuralgia Neuropathy in legs worse on rt side203/17/2021Drug Reaction Latex Anaphylactic reaction Steroids Extreme muscle atrophy Bee Stings Anaphylactic reaction Gluten Asthma/Upper respiratory Tylenol Extreme Headache EEG (Erythromycin) As2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
111597303/19/2021TN64.064MDeveloped slight tingle/numbness in right cheek area, like a very mild Bells Palsey03/19/202103/19/20210NONEPUBNONENONENONE203/19/2021Most Sulfa Drugs and Celebrex2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
112130703/21/2021TN64.064FAbout 14 hours after the injection I began running a high fever- the highest was 103. Along with severe body shaking, chills, body aches and pain, mild headache, earache, sore throat, coughing, and loss of emotional control. Used Tylenol and ice packs for Y03/19/202103/19/20210NoneOTHEstradiol, Sertraline, Simvastatin, Meloxicam, Montelukast, Lisinopril, fish oil, multi vitamin, Allegra, Turmeric, Percocet.Recovering from torn rotator cuff surgery on February 3, 2021.Depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis.203/21/2021Penicillin, TB skin test2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
113787503/26/2021TN64.064FArm red and swollen from injection site to elbow. Red patches on arm Headache over 48 hours Flu like symptomsN03/01/202103/25/202124NonePHMCellCept Cymbalta Flexeril Primidone Ropinirole RestorilFibromyalgia Autoimmune Hepatitis/overlaping PBC Osteoporosis Asthma Right Aortic Valve Stenosis203/26/2021Azathioprine Pregabalin Gabapentin Sinemet Medrol Dose Pack Penicillin Vitamin D22021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
113970503/27/2021TN64.064FModerna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA. Several red streaks above the injection siteY03/15/202103/16/20211NoneOTHIbuprofen the evening of the vaccination for pain at the injection site.NoneHip Bursitis, FFA (Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia)203/27/2021YIV dye, K-flex2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
114326103/29/2021TN64.064FLarge volume obstructive PEs with bilateral pleural and pericardial effusionsYYN03/12/202103/28/202116CT ChestPVTSynthroidNoneHypothyroidism203/29/2021YNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
114495603/29/2021TN64.064Fpatient's arm swollen slightly around injection site, and warm to touch, no other symptoms, believed to be normal immune response, advised to see a dr and let her know we would reportN03/20/202103/29/20219naPHMnot availablenone reportednot available203/29/2021Ynone listed2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
114698503/30/2021TN64.064Mdry cough, chills, and at that time he tested positive to COVID-19. symptoms have progressively worsened with diarrhea, fever with T-max of 101?, loss of taste and smell sensationsY2N03/12/202103/23/202111PVTMethotrexate 20mg weekly, provigil 200mg QAM, Hyzaar 100/25mg bid, Metformin 1g BID, Lofibra 134mg daily, Zocor 20mg daily, Norvasc 10mg daily, Celexa 20mg daily, Flexeril 10mg daily, Amaryl 4mg daily, Flomax 0.4mg daily, Gabapentin 300mg Tnothing acute, just comorbiditieshypertension, asthma, morbid obesity, non insulin-dependent diabetes with peripheral neuropathy, BPH, chronic pain, OSA on CPAP, PVD, prior DVT s/p IVC filter, severe DJD of cervical and thoracolumbar areas, and rheumatoid arthritis on DMARDs203/30/2021Penicillins, soap (From BETADINE), povidone-iodine (From BETADINE), adhesive2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
114782803/30/2021TN64.064M?Covid Arm? rash sorenessN03/22/202103/30/20218PVTVitamin D 2000 units dailyNoneNone203/30/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
114846703/30/2021TN64.064Fredness and heat at injections site03/21/202103/30/20219UNK203/30/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
115206103/31/2021TN64.064F3/17/21-Pattern of red bumps (rash) in a circular pattern, itch and I applied alcohol at 9:30pm 3/18/21-Contacted Physician because of welping that occurred on the site Dr viewed via Zoom session and sent in a prescription of Prednosone (5) pills, suggesteN03/13/202103/17/20214No medical tests performedSCHTrulicity, Januvia, Metformin, Atorvastatin,lisinopril, Omega 3, vitamin DNoneDiabetes203/31/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
116015804/02/2021TN64.064FThat morning, I woke up with a red circle on right thigh was extremely itchy and hot and it was a little bit raised - on the 7th at 09:00 am. By 7 pm that night, it had more than doubled in size - three times that size by the evening. From 2 inches to 6 inY01/06/202101/07/20211noOTHLabetalol; Xyzal; Atorvastatin; Vit D: Women's Multi-Vitamin; Salmon oil; CalciumBi-lateral Mastectomy in September 2020 so I had the vaccine in my thig because I was suffering from lymphedema in my arms.Breast Cancer in September 2020vsafe204/02/2021Yyes - allergies to Iodine CAT Scan Dye; sulpha antibiotics; Levofloxacin; Ciprofloxacin; Iodinated diagnostic contrast dyes2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
116827104/05/2021TN64.064FModerna COVID-19 Vaccine EUAN04/01/202104/01/20210PUBgeneric claratin, estradiol, sertralinenonenone204/05/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
117744404/07/2021TN65.064F04/05/2021 Received the Pfizer vaccine does one at 10:10 am Reaction 1) at 11:00am I started experiencing a very bad taste in my mouth. it was very metallic . It was not relieved by oral intake or mouthwash or teeth brushing. It lasted about 7 hours ReaY03/29/202104/05/20217No tests were doneMILChlorthalidone, potassium,magnesium, Advair, Singulair, multivitamins, as needed albuterol, nasonex allegraNo concurrent illness at the time of vaccineAsthma, hypertension, high cholesterol , allergic rhinitis204/07/2021Ace inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, statins, antibiotics, Cipro, Penicillin, Septra, environmental allergies -trees, grasses etc2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
117971804/08/2021TN64.064FTwo weeks after receiving the vaccine I went to the ER with excruciating pain in my chest. Was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism. My son who is 33 yes old had the same result after his first Pfizer vaccine in the exact same time frame - yesterday.YYN03/15/202103/30/2021153/30/21: EKG, chest x-ray, blod work, ct scan, sonograms.OTHpravastatin 20 mg 3x/weeknoneheterozygous for factor V Leiden clotting disorder204/08/2021Ymild allergy to avacado/red skins & few other foods. mild allergy to penicillin - sometimes get a rash2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
117974404/08/2021TN64.064MReceived 1st does of Pfizer vaccine on 1/16 and 2nd dose on 2/8/21, tested positive for COVID-19 on 4/5/21 during a routine screening test, reported asymptomaticU02/08/202104/05/202156SARS-COV-2 QUALITATITIVE PCR- DETECTEDPVTNANAHypertension204/08/2021NA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
118047904/08/2021TN64.064MEmbarrassing event to say the least. Both of my male breasts around nipple are very sensitive to the touch. Pain incurrs if say for instance I roll over in bed, pick up a pet, or wash the affected area in the shower.N03/08/202104/04/202127noneUNKAstorvastatin 40mg daily ? Vit D2 1.25mg every Monday and Thursday ? Pristig 100 mg daily ? loratine 10mg OTC allergy med daily ? Eliquis 5mg twice daily Cardizem 120 daily ? furosemide 40noneheart bypass 3 years ago. healthy now.204/08/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
118213904/08/2021TN64.064MPatient was inadvertently given 0.3 mL of vaccine instead of 0.5 mL. Per our regional Doctor, patient did receive valid dose since dose administered was over half of CDC recommended dose. Regional doctor instructed that patient should be notified of incideN04/08/202104/08/20210NonePUBN/ANoneNone204/08/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
118219604/08/2021TN64.064MPatient was inadvertently given 0.3 mL of vaccine instead of 0.5 mL. Per our regional Doctor, patient did receive valid dose since dose administered was over half of CDC recommended dose. Regional doctor instructed that patient should be notified of incideY04/08/202104/08/20210NonePUBNoneNoneNone204/08/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
118358304/09/2021TN64.064MDizziness, difficulty breathing for 3 days, fever in excess of 101.6 for 2 days, loss of taste, loss of appetite, severe fatigue, body aches especially in neck and chest,Y04/01/202104/01/20210OTHDepakote, lasics, dytalazin, synthroyd, medformin, gilipermided, ravostatian, Buspar, welbutren, pradaxaHigh Blood Pressure, Afib, CHF,204/09/2021Peanuts, coding, morphine, beta blockers, feldine,2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
118641604/09/2021TN64.064FPatient received Pfizer #1 on 3/18/21. Patient registered for second dose Moderna pod on 4/9/21 Contact was attempted and unsuccessful on 4/8/21 to inform patient she had registered for the wrong pod. Patient came to Moderna pod on 4/9/21 and inadvertently04/09/202104/09/20210PUBN/A204/09/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
119330504/11/2021TN64.064FTasted vaccine in throat, throat closed briefly, ringing in ears began immediately, hearing loss/stuffiness in right ear occurred immediately, foggy brain occurred immediately. The tinnitus is constant and persists along with the hearing loss .YN03/11/202103/11/20210Hearing tests 3-16-2021, 3-26-2021, 4-2-2021OTHMetropolol, amlodopine, Losartan, liothyronine , levothyroxineChronic inflammatory response syndrome204/11/2021YSensitive to vanvomycib, Cipro, epinephrine Titanium allergy, medical grade plastic allergy2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
120025504/13/2021TN64.064FFirst dose had mildly sore arm only. Second dose felt great initially, even exercised. Then about 14 hours after injection developed chills followed in a couple of hours by fever as high as 100.9, nausea without vomiting, and severe headache which felt liY03/29/202103/30/20211NonePVTASA 81mg qd, B12 1000u qd, D3 1000u bid, levothyroxine 0.05mg qd, Valsartan 160mg bidHypertension, hypothyroid, Factor V Leiden (heterogenous), migrainesShingrix, age 64204/13/2021Sulfa--rash only2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
120392204/13/2021TN64.064FFever and Chills for 24hrs. Nausea for 32hrs. Headache for 48hrs.Rightside body ache from head to toe for 12hrs. Cold sore appears 3 days after.Y04/09/202104/10/20211NonePVTMulti-vitamin,calcium,vitamin DNoneNone204/13/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
120421104/13/2021TN64.064Fextreme shortness of breath after one week and admitted to hospital with blood clots in both lungs and a collapsed lobe in right lung within two weeksYY7N03/17/202103/24/20217Multiple tests at ER and at hospital-CAT Scan/X-ray/Blood test/urine testPHMBenzonotate, calcium, citalopram, cyclobenzaprine, d3, fish oil, gabapentin, losartan, lumigan, meloxican, mucus DM, potassium chloride, quetiapine, spriva, symbicort as neededCOPD, Pneumonia 6 weeks priorCOPD, asthma, Breast cancer survivor204/13/2021YYaugmentin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
120859304/14/2021TN64.064FWoke up ion middle of night. Wet with sweat. No fever. Have felt bad since. Feel like I have a pressure in top of my head. No headache . Feel like I have a band around my headN03/30/202103/31/20211UNKLiothyronine, metoprolol, dyazide. Aspirin, osteo Biflex, centrum multivitamin hair skin and nails, flax oil capsules, magnesium,Breast cancer Hypothyroidism Hypertension204/14/2021Quinolones2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
121782404/16/2021TN64.064MNoticeable increase in volume of existing tinnitus. I used to only be able to hear the ringing if the room was quiet and I actually listened for the tinnitus. Now I hear it all the time. Even so, it is not debilitating and can be ignored if there is extraN03/22/202104/04/202113NonePVTVitamin D 2000 IUNoneNone204/16/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
121933804/16/2021TN64.064FSoreness at injection site both times, fatigue, mild chills, and mild headache. Took no medications for symptoms. All had passed by next morning after a night of rest.Y04/14/202104/15/20211nonePUBEdarbi, Ventolin, TrelogynoneCOPD, Hypertension204/16/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
122531004/18/2021TN65.064FBody ache, head ache, chills, sleepyU04/01/202104/18/202117noneUNKMetformin, Levothyroxine, Novolin 70/30,Symbacort, zyrtec, Novasic,noneDiabetic 2, Hay Fever, High Blood pressure204/18/2021Penniciallan, Flovaise, Hay Fever2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
123351804/20/2021TN64.064FPatient complained of headache, diarrhea, and left arm pain that is ongoing since 4/6/2021. She contacted the clinic on 4/19/2021 with her symptoms. The patient was advised to go the the ER.N04/06/202104/09/20213WRK204/20/2021YAdhesive, Aspirin, Azithromycin, Sulfa2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
123547004/20/2021TN64.064MNumbness and tingling in left side of face. Pt reports onset about 45min to 1 hour after injection.U04/20/202104/20/20210Monitored and checked vital signs. Neuro exam.PVTTrazodone 50mg Sumatriptan 50mg204/20/2021YNo known allergies2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
123782504/21/2021TN64.064FUnder my Chin and Neck turned scarlet red. A rash or hives covered my chest. On the left side of my neck hives or a rash developed and crossed my shoulder down to the injection sight on my left arm.Y03/10/202103/10/20210PHMNorco, Adderall, Naltrexone, Amitriptyline, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, Pilocarpine, Lasix, Protonix, Estradiol, Geodon, Timolol eyedrops, Xanax, and thera tears eye drops.Anorexia Nervosa, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Iron deficiency Anemia, Ulcers.etc, Minieres Disease.204/21/2021Adhesive tape, silk tape, band aids, etc. Ibuprofen and Morphine2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
123784704/21/2021TN64.064Mpale, clammy, sweating, lightheadness, possible absence seizure after 2nd shot. He waited his 15 minutes, and was waiting on his wife's 15 minutes, when he started to feel badly. Ambulance came to make sure he didnt have a seizure and his vitals were okay.Y04/19/202104/19/20210nonePHMnone knownnone knownnone known204/21/2021penicillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
124282104/22/2021TN64.064FConfusion and memory loss. Lasted about a week. Very obvious to me and to those around me.Y03/22/202103/23/20211OTHSimvastatin Levoxyl Calcium Vitamin D3NoneNone.204/22/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
124657204/23/2021TN64.064F7 day coarse of steroidsY03/09/202103/22/202113NonePVTSevere muscle pain, severe body aches hot and cold swears, nausea and diarrhea! Called my physician after 4 days and was given a 7 day coarse of steroids. I continue to have muscle soreness in both my thighsNoneHla27 positive204/23/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
124727204/23/2021TN64.064MHe got the vaccine, by 6:00 he was running a little bit of fever, and took some Tylenol and took some more and went to bed with a little headache and a little fever. The next morning he woke up with a little headache, and by that evening his stomach startY03/25/202103/25/20210None.OTHArthritis pill, sinus pill.None.Arthritis.204/23/2021Seasonal allergies.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
125142604/24/2021TN64.064Mextreme tirednessY04/21/202104/22/20211OTHVitamin D, zinc, Flomax, fluticisone sprayallergic rhinitis, prostate cancer radiation treatment completed 10-31-20204/24/2021Aspirin, grass and tree pollens2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
126257504/27/2021TN64.064MUnusual muscle pain in arms, shoulder blades, sides of neck, feetN03/29/202104/06/20218office visit 04/20/21PVTAdvair diskus, botox, bystolic, clonazepam, multivitamin Cyclobenzaprine, escitalopram, flonase, gabapentin, hydrochlorothiazide Ketoconazole, magnesium oxide, montelukast, myrbetriq, nabumetone osteo bi-flex, proair hfa, q-sorb co q-10, ubasthma, migraine, high blood pressure, restless legs syndrome, muscle spasms depression, allergic rhinitis, neuropathic pain, urinary frequency, osteoarthritis vitamin/mineral supplementation204/27/2021Ysulfa neosporin adhesive tape2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
126418504/27/2021TN64.064FI went to bed a healthy person and did not wake up until Sunday Afternoon. I ached everywhere, couldn?t stay awake had fever and a cough that felt like my head was going to blow off if I didn?t hold it. I had a slight UTI Friday which I was going to treat N04/16/202104/17/20211UTI test 4/24 and 4/26 strep test 4/24 flu test 4/24. COVID test 4/20PUBThyroid, omeprazole, rosuvastatin, bupropion xl, celecoxib, spironolactoneUTIDiabetesShingles204/27/2021Sulfa2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
127769305/01/2021TN64.064MRecurrence of distal muscle weakness in LEs>UEs and worsening of length dependent sensory loss/paresthesias consistent with recurrent acute polyneuropathy. EMG/NCS testing consistent with acute demyelinating polyneuropathy.N04/01/202104/03/20212PHMAmitriptyline 25 mg 1 tablet one daily aspirin 81 mg chewable--1 tablet(s) every day by oral route. DULoxetine 60 mg capsule,delayed release-1 capsule(s) every day gabapentin 400 mg capsule---Two capsules three times daily glimepirideHe had developed Guillan Barre Syndrome in the fall of 2020 following the influenza vaccine but had recovered very well with minimal deficitshyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertensionPrior similar reaction to influenza vaccine in the fall of 2020205/01/2021YNKDA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
127971705/02/2021TN64.064FPatient began to "feel weird" during 15 minute monitoring time after receiving vaccine (reported this at 3:20pm). Provider obtained patient's vital signs and continued to monitor patient with no other complaints until 3:40pm. At that time patient reported U04/15/202104/15/20210no medical or diagnostic test performed at vaccine sitePUBUnknownUnknownUnknown205/02/2021YUnknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
129014205/05/2021TN64.064MPatient blood sugars have became uncontrolled since receiving Moderna vaccine.N04/08/202104/10/20212A1CPUBWas on Truceba 39 units daily. After vaccination patient is on Metformin 500 mg bid as well as Truceba 25 units daily. Amlodipine, Lisinopril, zinc, vitamin c, multivitaminsnoDiabetics, Hypertension205/05/2021Yno2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
129660705/07/2021TN64.064FPt called on 5/7/2021 to report that she developed gout symptoms in her toe 'a few days' after both doses of her Covid vaccine. Last dose was 3 weeks ago. Describes redness, swelling, and pain in right great toe. States her last flare was 'several years agN04/16/202104/19/20213NonePVTamlodipine, carbidopa-levodopa, glimeperide, metformin, probiotic, vitamin B12, glucosaminenone reporteddiabetes Type II, hypertension, herpes simplex, osteoarthritis, hypercholesterolemia205/07/2021YSteven-Johnson's syndrome with Feldene. Rash with NSAIDs. Cough w/ ACE-I.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
130783605/11/2021TN64.064FPatient received 1st dose Pfizer vaccine 03/18/2021 Lot ER8727. Returned to be vaccinated on 03/30/2021 and received 2nd COVID vaccine brand Moderna Lot 020B21A. The wrong brand was administered to the patient and the elapsed time between vaccinations was Y03/30/202103/30/20210None required.PUBN/AN/ACOPD, OBESITY, CHF205/11/2021N/A2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
131382905/13/2021TN64.064F5/1- weakness, woozy, queazy 5/2-continued same 5/3-better but still no energy 5/5- mid day sudden violent vomitting and full body muscle spasm 5/6-nausea gone but finger tips numb, scalp tingly, cold inside, itchy all over 5/7-seriously sharp chest/back pY04/01/202105/01/202130noneUNKMagnesium supplementconstipationnone205/13/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
132700705/18/2021TN64.064MReports experiencing complete hearing loss in his right ear 2-3 weeks after his first COVID vaccine. It has not resolved.N03/09/202104/21/202143Saw PCP initially and was treated with antibiotics. No improvement so then referred to ENT. Had MRI yesterday. No results yet.PUBUnknownUnknownUnknown205/18/2021YUnknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
134189405/23/2021TN64.064FCustomer has developed soreness at the injection site and itching that has gotten worse in the past week.N05/14/202105/21/20217PHM205/23/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
134687705/25/2021TN64.064FPt states she broke out in hives 1 week after vaccine, lasted 1 day, then resolved. At the time her 2nd vaccine was due, she had sore throat, ear ache, URI, vomiting, severe HA, body aches. Tested for covid 3 times- All negative. Completed steroid and z paN04/07/202104/14/20217unknownPUBunknownnone knowndiabetes205/25/2021YYBactrim: mild throat swelling/wheezing, Wellbutrin: hives, iv dye: anaphylaxis, Keflex: rash, thermisol in contact: itchy, red eyes2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
134753905/25/2021TN64.064FThe day following each vax, BOTH arms felt like they had been punched.. it subsided after first vax. However now 3 weeks after 2nd vax I have continued to have this ache/ pain in both arms frequently and sometimes alternating knees off and on. Both arN05/06/202105/07/20211have not contacted any medicalPUBsevere poison ivy... had been given steroid shot 10 days before first moderna covid vaccine April 8205/25/2021severe allergy to Naprosyn (aleve)2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
137105506/03/2021TN64.064FPatient was administered a vaccine that had been in the refrigerator for 37 days.U06/02/202106/02/20210n/aPVTn/an/an/a206/03/2021n/a2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
137464006/04/2021TN64.064FAfter receiving Pfizer 0.3ml IM in left deltoid, patient states could feel it traveling down her arm to her hand. Patient has raised spongy spot about the size of a quarter that appeared within minutes. B/P was 130/76 at 10:56. After waiting 15 minutes patN06/04/202106/04/20210PUBLevothyroxinemultiple sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritissame206/04/2021Ymold, pain medications can only take tylenol2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
137778606/07/2021TN64.064FThe day I got it I had Headache body aches fever, chills, urine smelled like sewer fever went up to 104 in the night my legs couldn't hold me up I was hallucinating and thought I was going to die. Next day Tylnol kept fever to 101. still had Headache and bY06/03/202106/03/20210NonePHMBaby Aspirin,1 daily. Plavix 75 mg, 1 daily. Bupopion HCL SR 150mg 2 daily. Metphormin HCL 500mg 2 daily. Buspirone HCL 10 MG 2 daily. Carvedilol 25mg 2d daily. Cyclobenzaprine 10 mg 3 times daily. Protonix 40 mg 1 daily. Lipitor 40 mg 1 daDiabetes Heart ,degenerative disc n neuropathyDegenerativHearn sc causing pain n neuropathy. Heart have a stint and internal defibrillator Jan was diagnosed a diabetes206/07/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
142057706/23/2021TN64.064MIn March IBS started which I?ve never had before. Everything I ate turned into what felt like rocks , I got so constipated I couldn?t use the bathroom. I started to become nauseated every day. I was up every hour of the night. I tried drinking water to fluU02/21/202103/21/202128IV CT Scan Bloodwork Enema Lower GI ScopePUBOmeprazole ( 20mg 1xday ) Aller-tec ( 10mg 1xday ) Rosuvastatin (10mg 1xday ) Testosterone SUP- 1.62% Gel ? ( 1X DAY ) Cabergoline ? 1 x week .5mg ( since January 2020 )NAAcid Reflux Disease Brain Tumorvsafe206/23/2021YYNA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
142961206/26/2021TN64.064Mnumbness and tingling to right arm x 1 month. Prescribed Diclofenac topical. Referred to Ortho.N05/30/202105/30/20210nonePVTAmlodipinenone knownHTN206/26/2021YNKA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
144308807/02/2021TN64.064M15 min. after receiving vaccine in left arm, felt tingling in left hand. Two weeks later left arm went completely numb, temporary loss of fine motor control, ok after a couple days. About a week later arm went numb with an icy cold prickly feeling. Lasted N04/01/202104/15/202114June 30, 2021 had left leg ultrasound which found the DVT's, and bloodwork was done in the ER.PHMLisinopril Metformin GlipizideNoneType 2 Diabetes Mellitus Irregular Heartbeat207/02/2021YPenicillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
146008107/09/2021TN64.064FSOB and pneumoniaN06/23/202106/24/20211CXRPHMprotonixGERD207/09/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
147022107/14/2021TN64.064MOn the midnight of April 29, 2021, I got fever at 100.4 degree. On the morning of May 1, the fever was gone; in the afternoon, I suddenly felt back pain. The pain lasted for about a month. During the time, I didn't see doctor and didn't take any medicine. N04/29/202105/01/20212NonePHMNoneNoneNone207/14/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
151278807/29/2021TN64.064MI went to the doctor in June and the doctor said that I have a very low count of white blood cells.N04/21/202107/15/202185Blood work.PVTCinapro.None.High Blood Pressure.vsafe207/29/2021YNone.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
153681308/09/2021TN64.064MDiarrhea; Nausea; Vomiting; Soreness at the injection site; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DIARRHOEA (Diarrhea), NAUSEA (Nausea), VOMITING (Vomiting) and VACCINATION SITE PAIN (Soreness at the injection sitN12/27/202012/27/20200Test Name: blood glucoseUNKINSULIN; ELIQUISDiabetes; HypertensionUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20200208/07/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
155424808/13/2021TN64.064FPt became shaky, feeling weak, unsteady on her feet, difficulty breathing, speaking and tongue swelling approximately 15 minutes after receiving the injection. We called 911 and the paramedics came and transferred her to a local hospital. Paramedics didY08/12/202108/12/20210PHMunknownunknown208/13/2021Ypenicillin latex contrast medium2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
156493708/15/2021TN64.064FRedness around injection site (left arm); It itches around injection site; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of VACCINATION SITE ERYTHEMA (Redness around injection site (left arm)) and VACCINATION SITE PRURITUS (Y02/25/202103/01/20214UNKDrug allergy (Daypro); Drug allergy (Aspirin)USMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/11/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
156631708/15/2021TN64.064Fjittery; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of FEELING JITTERY (jittery) in a 65-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 016M20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. No MedicU02/05/2021UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/11/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
158702408/19/2021TN64.064MStay there 20 minutes after vaccine. Right after I left started to feel strange stopped at the store down the street went inside for 40 minutes until it passed. Was like doing 4 shots of tequila in 2 minutes. Leaned up against shelf and my shopping cartY08/19/202108/19/20210N/APVTBisoprolol, Alopurinol, ZyrtecDermatitis, Tinea CorporisModerate Hypertension208/19/2021Yes2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
159156508/20/2021TN64.064Fpresents with progressively worsening shortness of breath, very aggressive cough, subjective fevers on the background of her COVID-19 Treated w/ Roceph, Zith, Vit E 1200 iu daily, vit D weekly, po thiamineY4Y04/27/202108/09/2021104PVTsevere morbid obesity, CKD and history of grade 1 diastolic dysfunction208/20/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
159709308/21/2021TN64.064FNoticeably more sensitive this morning; this morning painful to the touch; Site where injection was given is extremely itchy; site where injection was given started to swell; Site where injection was given, turned red/ area of redness was twice the size; TU03/01/202103/09/20218UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/13/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
159741608/21/2021TN65.064FChronic cough; soreness of left arm; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COUGH (Chronic cough) and PAIN IN EXTREMITY (soreness of left arm) in a 65-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-1U02/05/2021UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/16/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
159916608/21/2021TN64.064MTtiredness; Diizziness when patient stands; Sleepiness; Lack of energy; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of FATIGUE (Ttiredness), DIZZINESS (Diizziness when patient stands), SOMNOLENCE (Sleepiness) and ASTHENIA N03/03/202103/03/20210UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/12/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
161022408/22/2021TN64.064Ffever; fatigue; headache; Chills; nausea; vomiting; Muscle pain; Joint pain; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of MYALGIA (Muscle pain), ARTHRALGIA (Joint pain), PYREXIA (fever), FATIGUE (fatigue) and HEADACHE (hY03/16/202104/14/202129UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/12/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
161223008/22/2021TN64.064FBlood pressure had gone up; Her injected arm hurts on and off; got real dizzy; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DIZZINESS (got real dizzy), HYPERTENSION (Blood pressure had gone up) and PAIN IN EXTREMITY (HerU03/17/202104/26/202140UNKhigh blood pressure; ATENOLOLComments: no medical history was reportedUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/17/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
161257808/22/2021TN64.064FLoss of about 40 to 45% of hair progressively beginning 2 days after second vaccine shot; Twitching in the right upper eye lid; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of ALOPECIA (Loss of about 40 to 45% of hair progrU03/10/202103/12/20212UNKMETFORMIN; GLIPIZIDE; ATORVASTATIN; LOSARTAN; SPIRONOLACTONE; CARVEDILOL; AMITRIPTYLINE; FUROSEMIDE; TYLENOL; ACYCLOVIR ABBOTT VIAL; DICLOFENAC; PENTOSAN POLYSULFATE; GABAPENTIN; MELOXICAM; OMEPRAZOLE; BUSPIRONE; TOLTERODINE; ASCORBIC ACID;Comments: No medical history was provided by the reporterUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/13/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
161335408/22/2021TN64.064Mblood sugar is out of control/like a roller coaster/blood sugar fluctuates from 50-300mg/dL/has chosen not to get the second dose because of blood sugar issues; This spontaneous case was reported by a patient and describes the occurrence of BLOOD GLUCOSE FU04/08/202105/03/202125UNKMETFORMIN ER; LISINOPRIL; AMLODIPINE; TRESIBA; VITAMIN D [VITAMIN D NOS]; ZINC; VITAMIN C [ASCORBIC ACID]; FISH OIL; MULTIPLE VITAMINDiabeticUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20211208/17/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
163251108/25/2021TN64.064MPt. states that after receiving the 2nd dose of Moderna 08/09/2021, started experiencing symptoms 08/10/2021 of lose stool, weakness, chest pain, fatigue, chills, and A-fib (2 Valve replacement 07/19/2021). Primary visit 08/17/2021. Cardiologist appt. 08/N08/09/202108/10/20211EKG 08/23/2021PUBFluid pill, Alpurol, Elaquix, Lasitapril, Matrolapal, Trazadone, Prazalam, Potassium ChlorideN/AHBP208/25/2021YN/A2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
165846308/31/2021TN64.064Msquamous cell carcinoma 8 days after 3 inches below site. Required surgery to remove but did not require MOHSY05/03/202105/03/20210PHMzortress prednisone nifedipine zetia zoloft abilify veltassa aspirin 81 flomax cardelvilolkidney transplanted since july 1 1984 (2 kidneys, but never had to dialyze)208/31/2021Yshellfish2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
168951109/10/2021TN64.064FI came home and I was feeling very dizzy. I have been having to watch my blood pressure very closely. I was pretty nauseated. I checked my BP and it was 88/44. It was odd because I have always been hypertensive but never hypotensive. It did that about 12-1N08/12/202108/12/20210Blood workPHMHydrochlorothiazide - 25mg/1xday Candesartan Silesetil - 4mg/2xday Levothyroxine - 100mg/1xday Vitamin Strip - 1xday (Gold) Vitamin C - 1xday Vitamin D - 1xday Fish oil - 1xday Vitamin B - 1xdayAsthma HypertensionWhen I worked in school and the H1N1 virus was real bad, I received the vaccination for it at the school. I broke out in hives avsafe209/10/2021YCodeine Sulfa some antibiotics2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
171113309/18/2021TN64.064FJust haven't felt well; Very fatigued; Temperature of 101.9 F/ low-grade temperature in the 100s for two other days; Diarrhea; Could not move around at all; very painful; Aches; Very sore arm and it is sore right now; This spontaneous case was reported by N08/24/202108/24/20210Test Date: 20210825; Test Name: Body temperature; Result Unstructured Data: High; Test Date: 202108; Test Name: O2 saturation; Result Unstructured Data: Low.UNKINSULINDiabetes; HypertensionMedical History/Concurrent Conditions: COVID-19USMODERNATX, INC.MOD20213209/17/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
171914309/21/2021TN64.064FJittery, short of breath, and ?felt like my throat was closing? for 2 weeks after vaccination. States that shortness of breath has persisted for 3 weeks09/01/202109/01/20210PHMAutoimmuneAutoimmune209/21/2021YAce inhibitors2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
172315509/22/2021TN64.064FCase fully vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine. Tested positive for COVID on 9/15/2021. Admitted to hospital on 8/24/2021. Tested positive for COVID while hospitalized and expired on 9/21/2021.Y09/21/2021N06/15/202109/15/202192PUB209/22/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
174441209/29/2021TN64.064FI tested positive for Covid-19 and I had a fever, congestion, coughing, sore throat and exhaustion for about one week. I lost my sense of smell and taste during that time as well. The loss of smell and taste has continued to this day still. The coughing laN03/29/202108/12/2021136Covid 19 test - positive results - August 14, 2021PHMMetformin ER 500MG, Benazepril 10MG, Omeprazole, Singular, Atorvastatin 20mg, Lodine 400mgn/aChronis Asthma, Pre-Diabetes, Obesityvsafe209/29/2021YN/a2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
174473109/29/2021TN64.064FTingling and numbness in both arms, hand went numb, feet went numb . Horrible pain and numbness in spine, affected all the nerves in body. Very limited mobility, affecting bodily function. 16 days after first hospital stay, was re-admitted into hospital.Y30YN04/26/202105/10/202114Cervical CT w/ contrast, neurological evaluation, neurosurgical evaluation, blood workSCHProzac, Linisipril, Nexium, Adderral, Clonazetam, HydroprodoneNoneHigh blood pressure, Chronic pain syndrome, Complex radialsympathetic dystrophy, peritheral neuropathy, Fibromyalgia209/29/2021YBiaxin, Seroiquel, Geodon, Lamictal2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
174954109/30/2021TN64.064FArm pain, injection site pain, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever (100.6), swelling, redness, feeling unwell, decreased appetite, diarrhea TREATMENT: 2 Ibuprofin OUTCOME Feeling better, decreased feverN09/29/202109/30/20211PUBNoneNoneNone209/30/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
175744110/03/2021TN64.064FRigors, body aches, extreme fatigue, started abruptly about 10 hours after injection, (slept for 18 hours), treated with hot baths, ibuprofen, Tylenol, still very fatigued, extreme body pain.YN10/02/202110/02/20210NonePHMValsartan HCTZ Claritin Bupropion Zolpidem Omeprazole Carafate Multivitamin AtorvastatinNoneCrohns HTN Gastric reflus210/03/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
176401010/06/2021TN64.064FA little tired; Arm was sore; COVID-19 positive test; Drug ineffective; This spontaneous case was reported by a patient and describes the occurrence of SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE (COVID-19 positive test), DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Drug ineffective), FATIGUE (A littlU02/04/202108/20/2021197Test Date: 20210820; Test Name: SARS-CoV-2 test; Test Result: Positive; Result Unstructured Data: PositiveUNKMedical History/Concurrent Conditions: CLLUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20212210/05/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
176524810/06/2021TN64.064FNot certain if this is an adverse event but ... since this is a new vaccine I thought I should report this On 3/09/21, I received my first Covid vaccine. No abnormal reactions. On 03/31/21 I started having pain on my lower back with blisters appearinY03/30/202104/07/20218PVTOlmesartan medox/hctz, Duloxetine, Esomeprazole, Oxybutynin, Vit D, Vit C, Omega 3noneobesity, high blood pressure past history of melanoma and breast cancer210/06/2021codeine2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
177188610/08/2021TN64.064FArthritis in the mid-foot, left foot.N09/24/202110/01/20217X-ray on the foot in A-P with weight baring.PHMPrescription Diclofenac Sodium, prescription Lisinopril and Prescription EstradiolNoneNone210/08/2021YAllergic to Bactrim2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
177688810/11/2021TN64.064MPatient hospitalized for COVID-19 after fully vaccinatedYN02/22/202110/11/2021231Positive COVID-19 testPVTTamsulosin Ferrous Sulfate Aspirin Zinc Famotidine Lantus Vitamin D Multivitamin FinasterideSacral decubitus ulcerBPH Diabetes210/11/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
178533110/14/2021TN64.064F12/22/2020 rec'd SARS-CoV-2 Pfizer 1/12/2021 rec'd SARS-CoV-2 Pfizer 10/8/2021 rec'd SARS-CoV-2 Pfizer (booster) At 11PM on 10/8/2021 I started feeling my right arm still and aching all over. Woke up at 7:30 AM on 10/9/2021 and looked in mirror and myY10/08/202110/08/20210NonePVTLantus, Humalog, Jardiance, Lisinopril-hydrochlorothiazide, Atorvastatin, Vitamin DNoneType 2 Diabetes, Elevated Blood Pressureon 2nd dose, extremely weak, headache, all muscles ached210/14/2021Darvon2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
178577210/14/2021TN64.064FThere was no adverse event to report. Patient received the Covid Vaccine instead of the flu vaccine.Y10/13/2021PHMTRAMADOL, GABAPENTIN, CELECOXIB, MONTELUKAST, VALSARTAN, TOLTERODIN, DOXYCYCLINE210/14/2021nkda2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
179357010/16/2021TN64.064FSwelling and pain at the base of my neck at the shoulder on the left hand side. Same side the injection was on.N10/14/202110/15/20211NoneOTHsertraline, losartan potassium levothyroxine, omeprazoleNoneFibromyalgia210/16/2021dermabond, rhinocort2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
180058210/20/2021TN64.064MPresented to hospital on 9/28 with worsening shortness of breath. Diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia. Received dexamethasone and remdesivir with Vapotherm support. Saturations continued to decrease and was intubated. Also received PICC line and vascular caY10/16/2021N04/07/202110/16/2021192PVTHypertension, hyperlipidemia, depression, insomnia, intellectual disability, chronic bilateral lower extremity pain210/20/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
180239510/20/2021TN64.064FDeveloped anticubital fossa bright red and hot rash after COVID vaccine injection #1. Rash turned bright red and very hot to the touch, forming a circular patch around left inner elbow. Rash lasted for several days, developing red bumps within the bright rN03/09/202103/13/20214PVTFENTANYL, CLONIDINE, SOMA, ZYRTEC, SINGULAIR, WELCHOL, FENTANYL, CLONIDINE, SOMA, ZYRTEC, SINGULAIR, WELCHOL, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, quercitin, flaxseed oil, famotidine, amitriptyline, elderberry, Preservision, Colace, NaNONEMast Cell Activation Disorder Pain Neuropathic Neuralgia Occipital Complex Regional Pain Syndrome ASPIRIN, Azithromycin, Ciprofloxacin, Clindamycin, Codeine, Hydromorphone, Doxycycline, Hydrocodone, Iodine, Cephalexin, Morphine, NSAIDS, Oxycodone-Acetamin210/20/2021YASPIRIN, Azithromycin, Ciprofloxacin, Clindamycin, Codeine,2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
181030710/23/2021TN64.064FImmediately killed her arm/arm got so bad/she could not use it or anything; Maybe needle went in wrong spot/needle went pretty high; Felt like HCP stabbed a rock in her arm; Arm in pain, could not use her arm; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumN08/17/202108/01/2021UNKSYNTHROIDUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20213210/21/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
181031010/23/2021TN64.064FPatient received first dose on 17Aug2021, second dose on 12Oct2021; sweats; headache, splitting headache; Fever; felt exhausted, really tired; a lump in her arm, that was red, swollen and itchy. It felt like she had a knot in her arm.; This spontaneous casY08/17/202110/01/202145UNKSYNTHROIDUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20213210/22/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
182605610/28/2021TN64.064FMostly my arm was sore; slight headache - right after the vaccine - lasted about 24 hours; Health event in October: Started with a sore throat; I went to a walk-in clinic and they said I had an ear infection. They gave me an antibiotic ear drop to put in fY04/28/202110/08/2021163Walk-In clinic Strep test - negative resultOTHSimvastatin; Antacids; calciumnonovsafe210/28/2021Yno2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
182925510/29/2021TN64.064FSite: Pain at Injection Site-Medium, Site: Redness at Injection Site-Medium, Systemic: Body Aches Generalized-Severe, Systemic: Chills-Medium, Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Medium, Systemic: Exhaustion / Lethargy-Medium, Systemic: Headache-MediumU10/26/202110/26/20210PHM210/29/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
183232010/31/2021TN64.064MTendonitis in injection arm since June.N06/09/202106/09/20210PHM210/31/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
183676711/02/2021TN64.064MShortly after my first vaccination I developed a rash on both arms. On 4/13/2021 I thought I maybe having a heart attack and went to the ER. Doctor ordered an electrocardiogram and determined my heart was okay. He observed the the rash on my right arm and Y03/24/202104/13/202120Electrocardiogram on 4/13/2021 and the results were good. no problem evident. Vital signs taken were all with in normal range. Hematology and Chemistry were all with in normal range on 4/13/2021.PHMAllopurinol 300mg, Bystolic 10mg, Montelukast 10mg and Rosuvastatin 5mg. Azelastine 0.1%None.Hay Fever, High blood pressure control by medication. High Cholesterol controlled by medication.211/02/2021Augmentin.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
184471511/04/2021TN64.064F3 cm liver enlargement in months following Moderna 2nd dose administered on 02/16/2021U02/16/202104/01/202144Liver ultrasound October 26, 2021 compared to ultrasound April/2021: ?The liver is moderately echogenic and heterogeneous and is enlarged measuring about 19.8 cm as compared to previous 16.8 cm. No focal lesion is seen. Portal vein is patent.?PUBClopidogrel 75 mg every other day Aspirin 81 mg every other day Pantoprazole every day Multivitamin 1 tablet every day Metamucil 1 teaspoon every day as needed EstradiolNoneChronic vena cava stenosis thought to be congenital. Gastroesophageal reflux(controlled)211/04/2021Sulfa2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
185105111/08/2021TN64.064FChills, fever.Y11/05/202111/06/20211UNKTylenol.None.Diabetes.211/08/2021Sulfa, Penicillin.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
185755011/10/2021TN64.064MInvalid dose, vaccine exposed to a temperature excursion. Attempted to notify patient by phone without success. Mailed a letter to notify patient that the dose received is invalid and needs to be repeated. Plan to follow up in 1 week if no response from le10/15/202110/21/20216PUB211/10/2021NKA2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX