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You are viewing patients aged: 76, in state: MD

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096096501/21/2021MD76.076Fdizziness, headache, nauseaU01/13/202101/13/20210OTH201/21/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
096759901/23/2021MD76.076FCOVID-19 Vaccine EUA Ten days after the injection of Covid 19 injection my arm swelled up, and became very red and itchy at the site of the injection. It just came up out of nowhere it seems as I had no reaction at all to the vaccine during the prior 10 dY01/12/202101/20/20218NoneOTHLetrozole( 2.5mg), Fish Oil (1000 mg), Vitamin D3 (1000 U), Women multivitamin (1 tab daily), Vitamin C (1000 U)NoneNone; Breast cancer surgery 2009201/23/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
097126101/25/2021MD76.076MChills and body achesY01/23/202101/24/20211PVT201/25/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
097291201/25/2021MD76.076FJoint pain. Subsided they reoccurred with much more intensity. Could barely walk my right knee hut so badly. Other joints can and went but knee just intensified. Today both my eyes are vpred , swollen and stingingN01/14/202101/16/20212Went to physical therapy.MILHCTZHigh blood pressure201/25/2021aspirin Penicillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
097311101/26/2021MD76.076MMild Chest Pain Worse With Deep Breath/chest pain got worse; Felt warm and his temperature was 100 F; Now I have A-Fib; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a male 76-year-old patient, who was also the patient, who received Moderna'Y2N12/30/202012/31/20201Test Date: 20201231; Test Name: Body temperature; Test Result: 100 {DF}; Test Date: 20201231; Test Name: EKG; Result Unstructured Data: Normal; Test Date: 20210105; Test Name: EKG; Result Unstructured Data: A-Fib; Test Date: 20201231; Test Name: COVID-19 UNKCOREGMedical History/Concurrent Conditions: Coronary artery diseaseUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210201/25/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
097944201/27/2021MD76.076FDay 1 moderate to severe pain at site and headache treated with Acetaminophen. Extreme sleepiness for 48 hours and slept for most of the day. 2nd Day pain at site and headache continued. Treated with Acetaminophen. Extreme sleepiness slept for most of the N01/07/202101/07/20210none soughtOTHClopidogrel, Lisinopril,HCTZ,Amlodipine, Primidone, VitaminD, VitaminB12,Hypertension, Familial Idiopathic tremor.Hypertension,201/27/2021Aspirin, Lactose intolerant.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
098316101/28/2021MD76.076Fitching, primarily arms and trunk; more noticeable in the evening; from 1/25 through today, 1/28N01/24/202101/25/20211SENMontelukast Sodium 10MG Pravastatin Sodium 20MGnonenone201/28/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
098538901/29/2021MD76.076MPatient stated to feel "light headed". He was brought to cot in back of facility. VS were taken: BP 176/90, R 61, R 20, O2 96%. Patient states to have high blood pressure. He stated to have eaten this morning. Denies diabetes or low blood sugar. Denies anyY01/29/202101/29/20210PUBLevothyroxine Atenolol Olmesartan Medoxomil Rosuvastatin Calcium Diltiazon Hydrochloride Tamsulosin Amitriptyline Advair & albuterol Sulfate Vitamin D3, CoQ10,calcium, Claritin, Aspirin, FluticasoneNone KnownHypertension, High Cholesterol, Asthma, GERD, Hypothyroidism201/29/2021None Known2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
098774201/30/2021MD76.076FDelayed injection site reaction: redness, hot to touch, itching, slight swelling. This is the second day of the delayed reaction so it persists although itching has stopped.01/22/202101/28/20216UNKSynthroid, pravastatin, multivitamin, vitamin D, Caltrate201/30/2021Iodine2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
099468802/02/2021MD76.076FAbout 10 days after receiving the vaccine, pt started to hear rings in left ear. Then she started to noticing hearing loss. As of today she has lost almost all hearing in her left ear. She has no other symptoms after receiving the vaccine.N01/19/202101/28/20219Pt has seen her primary doctor on 02/01/2021, who confirmed that there is no blockage or anything abnormal that he could see.PUBHigh blood pressure202/02/2021Ypenicillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
099831302/03/2021MD76.076FProbable Covid Vaccine Arm. Itching and redness appeared 8 days following vaccination. Began yesterday, 2 February and continues.N01/25/202102/02/20218NonePUBSimvistatim Symbacort Restasis Prevagen Systane UltraDry eye, corneal scarringNone202/03/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
100187202/04/2021MD76.076FRed rash, both itchy and swollen, first noticed to be about 2 inches in diameter and which doubled by Feb. 3.N01/21/202101/28/20217NONEPUBLipitorNONENONE202/04/2021YPenicillin, Shellfish (Assumed after a bad reaction in a restaurant. Never tested.)2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
100308502/04/2021MD76.076FI received this shot on Jan 30 and have been sick ever since. I Threw up for several days and and still sick to the stomach. I had severe diarrhea and my bowels are still messed up- they are light yellow verging on white. I have been having migraines and N01/30/202101/30/20210nonePUBArmour Thyroid, digestive enzymes, fish oil, cranberry supplement, turmeric, ubiquinol. cinnamon, probioticsfatty liver, diabetes, high cholesterol, neuropathy, lymphedema, effects of cancer treatmentI don't have that info. But flu and hep a and b202/04/2021My allergies to medications are too extensive to list, but they include most antibiotics, thyroid meds other than Armour, flu shots, hepatitis A and B shots latex2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
100539302/05/2021MD76.076Fseven days after receiving the shot I developed a rash and ichy sensation around the injection site. On the day of the vaccination I thought my tongue was a little swollen.Y01/28/202102/04/20217OTHDiltiazem, Levothyroxine, Rosuvastatin, Centrum vitemins for Women, Soolantra topical gelvertigo : had it for 7 weeks. Never had it before. Doctor could find no cause. It was gone two to three weeks before i got the Moderna shot.none202/05/2021Latex, Non steriodal anti inflammatories2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
100957202/07/2021MD76.076FStarting about 9 days after the first dose, I developed a painful, hot, red itchy rash at vaccine site. It went away after about 3 days, but has returned today. The area is even larger than originally. The arm is NOT painful, but it is very red and itchy.N01/21/202101/30/20219noneUNKfamotadine, calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, Align (probiotic)nonenone202/07/2021Sulfa2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
101141302/08/2021MD76.076MVisible rash on back, stomach and buttocks'. Took liquid Benadryl to assist plus steroidal creamN01/27/202102/01/20215n/aPHMnonenoneheart patient202/08/2021highly allergic to any tree nuts such as pecans, walnuts etc.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
101143002/08/2021MD76.076FRed spot area development a 8 days after shotY01/27/202102/04/20218PUBProvachol Snythroid Toprol multi vit/min calcium fish oil vit D (1000) vit B12 +Raynauds hi chol hypothyroid osteopenia chronic neck back issues idiopathic peripheral neuropathy202/08/2021Lactose Trees cats dust mites2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
103078402/15/2021MD76.076U1350 small red area with slightly raised area with itching inside right elbow. b/p 134/74 hr 84 pulse ox 97% 1400 rechecked area remained red, less itching, not as raised as it was initially. b/p 123/60 hr 72 pulse ox 97%. physician cleared pt ot leave sitY02/12/202102/12/20210nonePVTunknownunknownunknown202/15/2021unknown2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
103208102/15/2021MD76.076FCOVID-19 Arm Large red swelling at site of injection on Feb 9 Headache Chills Severe VertigoY01/24/202102/09/202116UNKamlodipine 2.5 mgMild vertigo hiveshypertension202/15/2021No2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
103211302/15/2021MD76.076MRash lasted 4 days, slight itching in evenings only Not seen by medical folksY01/21/202101/28/20217NonePUBDitiazem 180 mg Atorvastatin 10 mg Niacinamide 500 mg Vitamin D3 4000 IU Magnesium 400 mgIrregular heart rate Elevated cholesterol202/15/2021Penicillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
103379702/16/2021MD76.076FStarting on day 10 - delayed skin reaction described online as "covid arm": spreading, hot, itchy, bright red rash which covered the top of the right arm near the injection site and decreased once started topical steroid cream and benedryl. By day 17 goneY01/21/202101/31/202110nonePVTD3 1 am, chlorpheniramine 4 mg 1 am and 1 pm, fametodine 10 mg 1 am and 1 pmnone202/16/2021Ypenecillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
103639102/17/2021MD76.076FInjection site: pain, tenderness and swelling General side effects: fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, nauseaY02/16/202102/16/20210PUBBenadryl for chronic allergiesnonehypertension; high cholesterol; chronic seasonal allergies202/17/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
103873402/18/2021MD76.076MSevere shoulder discomfort, and loss of rangr of motionN02/17/202102/18/20211PUBamlodopine atorvastatinnoneobesity arthritis202/18/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
104002302/18/2021MD76.076FA feeling of extreme tiredness , & semi nauseous . High temperature 100.2 . ache all over . My arm ached but not too much but my body ached all over like you get with the flu which I've never had. I was like that for 2 days. I didn't want to eat or do anytY02/02/202102/09/20217NonePVTTessalon Perls, Lisinopril 2.5, Fish Oil, multivitamin,Vitamin D3. Flaxseed oil , aspirinHigh blood pressure High cholesterolPneumonia shot got pneumonia202/18/2021Erythromycin & avocados2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
104033502/18/2021MD76.076FRaised Rash/welts/hives at injection site and down the entire left arm/forearm.Itchy, and hot arm.. started day after injection and is still ongoing now 6 days later. Now also spreading to the right upper arm( 6 days later). Headache beginning directlyN02/12/202102/13/20211SCHMetaprolol Er Isosorb mono Er Ramipril Sertralene HCL Aspirin low dose Cartia xt Atrivastin Vitamin DNonePre-diabetic Chronic heart disease202/18/2021Penicillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
104186002/19/2021MD76.076FRed rash, itchy. (still have somewhat of the redness today (2/19/2021.N02/03/202102/08/20215PHMSimvastatin - 40 mg Lisinopril - 10 mg Levothyrosine - 25 mg Hydrochloroyhiaz - 12.5 mg Bayer - 325NoneN/A202/19/2021Thimersol2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
104595702/22/2021MD76.076FPatient was hospitalized after a motor vehicle accidentY2Y02/04/202102/12/20218PVTMagnesium oxide, azelastine nasal spray, atenolol, famotidine, MVI, olmesartan, pravastatin, albuterol, aspirin, dorzolamide, fish oilasthma, hypertension, melanoma of the skin, macular degeneration, peptic ulcer disease202/22/2021Adhesive (rash), amlodipine (edema), clonidine (anxiety/fatigue), diltiazem (weakness), hydrochlorothiazide (hyponatremia), spironolactone (hyperkalemia), phenobarb-hyoscy-atropine-scop (rash)2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
104604002/22/2021MD76.076MModerna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fever of 102.2 at 10 a.m. on the morning after the second doseN02/21/202102/21/20210PUBSimvastatin, low dose of aspirin, vitamin D3, zincNoneNone202/22/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
105261202/24/2021MD76.076F2/11 -13/21 Sore arm first 2 days. Then I felt fine with no effects until the following week. On 2/18 my arm begin to itch at site of injection. 2/21 itching subsided but I noticed a red circular area around injection site. The area also feels warm. N02/10/202102/18/20218PUBPravachol Levothyroxine Potassium Citrate Vitamins B6, B12, D3NoneHypothyroidism High Cholesterol202/24/2021Erythromycin Scallops (no other shellfish)2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
105489902/25/2021MD76.076MPatient possibly inadvertently received a 1cc of Moderna COVID vaccine instead of 0.5cc. Patient was notified. State of MD notifiedU02/24/202102/24/20210nonePUBunknownnone at the time of vaccinationnone202/25/2021none listed2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
105539102/25/2021MD76.076Fheadache, fatigue, 02/16 thru 03/25/21 tongue thickening, 02/18 thru 02/25/2021 swollen face, throat, 02/22 thru 02/25/2021 Doctor prescribed PredniSONE 20 MG TAB CADI beginning 02/25/2021 for 5 days, on going, no outcome02/15/202102/16/20211OTHSynthroid .75, Humalog, LantusNoneType 1 diabetes, previous thyroid cancer202/25/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
105893302/26/2021MD76.076MSlight elevated temperature Achy joints Slight headacheY02/22/202102/22/20210NomePUBTriamtereneNoneNone202/26/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
106302403/01/2021MD76.076FDizziness, Nausea/vomiting, palor,Y03/01/202103/01/20210BP 100/86, HR: 80, O2: 96, temp: WNLPUBPrestiq, Lansoprazole, Flonase, Spiriva, Breo, Albuteral (inhaler), Chantix, Benicar, BusparNo new illnessesHypertension, COPD, Gerd, Postprandial hypotension203/01/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
106912503/03/2021MD76.076FPatient was admitted with impression of COPD exacerbation and hypoxia. She was treated with antibiotic and bronchodilators. Her symptoms gradually improved and she was discharged. Per the EUA, hospitalizations are to be reported irrespective of attributionY4Y02/26/202102/26/20210PVTHx of lung cancer, COPD, nicotine dependence, HTN, GERD, type 2 diabetes, CAD, hx of breast cancer203/03/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
107160803/04/2021MD76.076FPatient presented to ED with SOB and hypoxia. She stated that this is a chronic problem for her. She had a video conference with her physician who told her to go to the ER. Her O2 saturation was noted to be 87%. She was found to have pulmonary edema and reY02/25/202103/02/20215PVTType 2 DM, COPD, heart failure, HTN, HLD, hypothyroidism203/04/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
107171903/04/2021MD76.076FPatient stated her lips started to tingle.03/04/202103/04/20210PUBUnknownUnknownUnknown203/04/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
107443203/05/2021MD76.076MPatient with history of TIA one week prior presented to the ED for recent onset of fever and epigastric abdominal pain. Pt found to have calculus of bile duct with acute cholecystitis and obstruction. In Ed pt had fever as high as 104 and pulse as high as YU02/17/202102/24/20217PVTPossible TIA (2/15)GERD203/05/2021Ciprofloxacin, sulfa2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
107463503/05/2021MD76.076M2/21 Patient presented after slip and fall on the ice, admitted for hypertensive crisis. hospitalizations are to be reported irrespective of attribution to the vaccine. This hospitalization does not appear to be related to the vaccine.02/17/202102/21/20214PVThypertension, BPH, GERD, gout, chronic neck and back pain203/05/2021YPercocet, codeine2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
107557803/05/2021MD76.076FPatient presented to ED with altered mental status and leg weakness at home causing fall. Ammonia 89, being treated with lactulose for hepatic encephalopathy. Patient currently admitted.Y02/25/202103/04/20217PVTcoronary artery disease status post coronary artery bypass graft, bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement, seizure disorder, history of Lyme's disease, colonic AVMs, liver cirrhosis203/05/2021Ymorphine, lisinopril, amlodipine, losartan,2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
107608203/05/2021MD76.076FModerna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA 02/18/21 - achy back and neck (beyond ?normal? for me) - left arm sore 3/10 - pink rash near injection site - temp: 100.3 (normal 98 or below); Tylenol was not strong enough to relieve discomfort - took Aleve; improved on FriY02/17/202102/18/20211noneOTHRosuvastatin; Furosemide; Advair; Proair; Estradiol; Myrbetriq; Omeprazole; Acetaminophen; Asprin; Vitamin; Vitamin D3; Claritinnonesevere degenerative disc disease; moderate lumbar dextroscoliosis; right rotator cuff tear; lymphedema left leg; coronary atherosclerosis; GERD; asthma; arthritisusually sore arm and often a pink area on the arm203/05/2021Tetracycline; Sulfur; Amoxicillin; Niacin; Cortisone (high dose); Latex ?sensitivity?; ragweed - pollen - mold - dust - environmental ?stuff?2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
107767703/06/2021MD76.076F18 hours after Moderna shot 2 my eyes swelled up and became itchy and red. My eyes are sill inflamed as of now 3/06/2021. Also I have been running a low grade fever, and have headaches. These symptoms are managed with Tylenol.N03/03/202103/04/202110PUBmetformin, baclofen, norvas, cozaar, actifednonediabetes 2203/06/2021Pen, EES, ASA Baclofen2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
108566103/09/2021MD76.076F3 days after the 2nd dose I started to get intermittent diarrhea. I would get a loose movement but still formed. I would skip a day and then get a day with several more movements (usually in a.m.). I had C Diff a few years ago and was concerned. It gradualY03/09/202103/24/202115Covid 19 test was negative that was taken on 03/07/2021SCHSynthroid 50 mcg, hctz 25 mg, Nifedipine 30 mg (2x), Lisinopril 40 mg, Pepcid AC 40 mg, Atorvastatin 80 mg. Florastor probiotic and Ibgard for stomach issues.203/09/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109496803/12/2021MD76.076FThe patient presented in the ED on 3/11/2021 with abdominal pain. She reported having diarrhea and increased number of bowel movements compared to her normal. Reason for admission: suspected acute diverticulitis at distal sigmoid.Y303/02/202103/11/20219PVTExcerdrin Tension headache, acyclovir, Lumigan, Tums, Salonpas, cyclobenzaprine, dicyclomine, Cosopt, fluoxetine, folic acid, lisinopril, mirtazapine, multivitamin, omeprazole, pravastatin, temazepam, Nasacort, warfarinunknownAfib, depression, GERD, IBS203/12/2021metronidazole, moxifloxacin, prednisone, alendronate, codeine, morphine, meperidine, valdecoxib, erythromycin, penicillin, sulfa antibiotics2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109648303/13/2021MD76.076FComplete loss of feeling in right leg, cannot put any weight on it or walk, stroke like symptomsN03/12/202103/13/20211Going to hospital nowOTHUnknownNondNone203/13/2021YNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109726703/13/2021MD76.076M1. room spinning dizziness on Sunday, March 7th, at 5:30 PM. Lasted for about 3 minutes. 2. same dizziness but shorter duration 3 times on March 12th, at 5:30 pm and even shorter at about 8:30 pm.Y03/05/202103/07/20212NonePHMTamsulosin 0.4MG Losartan 100MG Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg Vitamin D3 Turmeric gummy supplements Alive Multi-Vitamin for 50+NoneCKD 3 Edema in lower legs Obesity Pre-diabetes (A1c 6.9)203/13/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
110774003/17/2021MD76.076FMy blood pressure fell to 60/40, could not stand, light headed but did not pass out. It took all day for my g blood pressure to return slowly to normal. slight fever between 100 and 101, not over 100.7Y02/23/202102/24/20211PUBmethanthamine, atorvostatin, vitamin D & C, Clonazapam, estracenonefocal dystonia, chronic uti203/17/2021bactrim2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
110967703/17/2021MD76.076FApproximately a week after vaccination, developed vision problems with blue lights in right eye, followed by deteriorating vision 7 to 10 days after vaccination. 03/09/2021 was diagnosed with central retinal vein occlusion.YN02/22/202103/01/20217Evaluated at Eye Center 03/09/2021 and was diagnosed with stroke in right eye. Evaluated by retinal specialist 03/11/2021. Fluorescein scan of vessels revealed near blockage of right eye central vein. Treatment was given with injection of avastin, vascularPVTAspirin 325 mg twice weekly Vitamin D3 1000 iu daily Glucosamine/chondroiten Vitamin B12 SublingualNoneElevated cholesterol Osteoporosis Impaired fasting glucose, prediabetes, HgAIC 5.8203/17/2021YHogweed reaction in 2015: Hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, urticaria, ICU stay, transfusions2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
111775303/20/2021MD76.076MModern COVID-19 vaccine Patient collapsed on bathroom floor 20 hours post injection. Could not get up 911 summoned and taken to ER. Given fluids and Tylenol for excess immunologic response. Loss of fluids excessive about 12 hours post injection. LosYY03/16/202103/17/20211blond culture Glucose POCT Comp metabolic panel, CBC with differential, C Reactive protein Creatine Kinase, Urinalyses with culture Troponin High Sensitivity Coronavirus POCT chest xray ECGOTHolmesartan, coreg, lipitor, mini aspirin, amoxicillin& clavulnateresolving diverticulitisbenign essential tremors, prehypertension , post polio syndrome from childhood case203/20/2021YYnone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
112660203/23/2021MD76.076Fredness and slight bruise at injection site. warm to the touch. began 6 days after 2nd injection. did not notice until 6th day although not sure if it was there before. Monitored the area for side effects 2-3 days after the 2nd injection and only smallN03/17/202103/23/20216none. contacted primary doctor and will monitor for 24 hours for additional changes. appt. made in the event it is needed.OTHmetformin. verapamil, allopurinol, lovastatin, lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide. After vaccination tylenol extra strength.nonediabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, colesterol203/23/2021coedine, strawberries, bee stings, insect bites.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
112972603/24/2021MD76.076Fplates went from normal to 3000; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 76-year-old female patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced having platelets went from normal to 3000 (Thrombocytopenia-unspeYU01/27/202102/17/202121Test Date: 20210217; Test Name: platelet count; Result Unstructured Data: decreased to 3000 from normal.UNKLeukemiaUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210203/22/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
112999403/24/2021MD76.076FI experienced itchiness on my right arm during the first week after my second shot but did not look to see if there was the large red area that is pictured online. However, on the eighth day, I reached over to touch? my arm and felt many bumps. I looked inN03/09/202103/16/20217NonePUBNoneNoneNonePossible PMR from flu vaccine (dosage for elders), 9/11/2018, age 74 Also, reaction to typhus vaccine when I was about 22. Swell203/24/2021Penicillin-family antibiotics; Latex; aloe; pollens; animal dander2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
113434203/25/2021MD76.076Ffever, low blood pressure, high heart rate, anemia, fluid on lungs. hospitalized 2/19-2/23, 2/26-3/1, and 3/15-currentY18N02/08/202102/18/202110Too many for me to list. If you want this, you are going to have to get it from the hospital.PVTo Zolpidem 10mg o Metformin 1000MG ? once per day o Myrbetriq 50MG o Gemfibrozil 600MG - 2x/day o Sertraline NCL 50 MG o Lisinopril 5MG o Rosuvastatin 10MG o InsulinDiabetes203/25/2021YY2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
113485603/25/2021MD76.076Fbad stomach acheN03/01/202103/25/202124nonePVTCalcium, Vit. C, Klonopin, aspirinnonePeripheral neuropathy, feet.203/25/2021Oysters2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
114438303/29/2021MD76.076MItching after 30 minutes. Full body hives after 45 minutes. Facial swelling and itching. Racing heartbeat. Took Tylenol at the one hour mark. The hives itching lessened after three hours. The facial swelling and under skin full body itching, extremY01/29/202101/29/20210No tests conducted, but I did have a counseling session with my allergist after one week and he recommended not getting the 2nd Moderna shot. I am seeing him again on 2 April to determine if it the J&J vaccine is a possibility now. Hopefully an allergy tPUBcolestipol, glipizide, probioticNone beyond normal aches and pains.Type 2 Diabetes; prostate cancer 2012 and reoccurrence in 2019. Radiation treatment in 2019. Arthritis in various joints but no medicine treatment.203/29/2021Ysensitivity to various anti-inflamatories, and various statins.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
115605804/01/2021MD76.076F3/16/21/1am woke with swelling & itchy eyes. lessened but continued 3/16/21 1pm saw orthopedist for injection right knee 3/17/21 1am swelling & itching increased to mouth, ears, tongue . 2 Benadryl 25 mg each taken dozed 15 min couching , voice changed Y03/12/202103/16/20214as above Epi solumedral pepsidPHMmethotrexate10mg once a week held until after vaccine asa 81mg qd biotin vitamins tums fiber stool softenerPMRPMR204/01/2021ndda2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
120932404/14/2021MD76.076FStiffness /Pain on left side of head from temple down to neck & shoulder. Painful to turn head to left. Sharp pain in temper/ear area down back of head. Painful at times to hold head up. Dull Headache. TREATMENT: 3/18/21 - Primary Care Physician adminisN03/05/202103/14/202193/22 - X-Ray of Shoulders - Results - Arthritis 3/22 - X-Ray of Shoulders - Arthritis. 3/29 - CT Scan of Sinus - Sinus Infection. 4/8/2021 - CT Scan of Brain/Head -OTHedarbyclor 40/12.5; Centrum Silver; Omega ComplexN/AN/A204/14/2021YN/A2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
122107104/16/2021MD76.076FPain at left side of head, neck and ear with tender lymph nodes and "throat feels funny", few days later "legs feel funny" with numbness sensationN03/05/202104/15/202141CBC, CMP on 3/15/21 are WNL X-Ray of C-Spine on 3/19/21: Spondylosis CT of Sinus on 3/29/21: Left Mastoid Opacification CT of Head on 4/8/21: NegativePVTNoneHypertension, Hyperlipidemia, IGT, OA, GERD, Osteopenia, Cervical SpondylosisSame as Item 11204/16/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
122604704/18/2021MD76.076FPt called and said that she has a large red, itchy rash that didn't appear until 3 days after the vaccine.N04/13/202104/17/20214PHMLantus, amlodipine, metoprolol,Chronic Renal failure, diabetes, hypertension, peripheral neuropathy, hyperlipidemia204/18/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
123880104/21/2021MD76.076FPatient stated receiving J&J vaccine on 03/19/21. Patient came to ER with acute DVT in left lower extremity on 04/21/2021.03/19/202104/21/202133OTHAlendronate 70mg Anastrozole 1mg clopidogrel 75mg Synthroid 100mcg Sertralin 100mg Ezetimibe 10mg mirtazapine 7.5N/ABovine Valve replacement knee replacement204/21/2021YYStatins2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
133030605/19/2021MD76.076FExperienced intense pain in joints and muscles on 1/27. During the next 2-3 weeks, pain moved to other joints and muscles. Intensity varied. Applied ice to back of knees and legs when movement was affected. As the weeks progressed, fatigue, weakness and paN01/22/202101/27/20215Went to emergency room on 4/7; lots of testing. Administered ketorolac and iodixanol. Prescribed doxycycline. See above.PVTZyrtec; several supplementsNoneAllergies, osteopenia, tinnitus, osteoarthritis205/19/2021YYCompazine; dairy sensitivity2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
134026905/22/2021MD76.076FThis spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA (Polymyalgia Rheumatica) in a 76-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 025J20A and 013L20A) for COVID-19N01/22/202101/27/20215UNKZYRTEC [CETIRIZINE HYDROCHLORIDE]; BLINK TEARS; FLONASE [MOMETASONE FUROATE]; VITAMIN D3; PROBIOTICS NOS; FISH OIL; MAGNESIUM CITRATE; MULTIPLE VITAMIN; HOMOCYSTEINE THIOLACTONE HYDROCHLORIDE; GLUCOSAMINE & CHONDORITINDairy intolerance; Drug allergy (allergic to Compazine); Hay fever; Osteoarthritis; Osteopenia; TinnitusUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210205/21/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
140996406/18/2021MD76.076FPt was admitted to hospital from the ED with acute cystitis without hematuria on 4/16/21, after receiving the second dose of vaccine on 4/5/21. Per guidelines, all hospitalizations are reportedY3Y04/05/202104/16/202111PVT206/18/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
141000806/18/2021MD76.076FPt was admitted on 4/16/21 to hospital from the ED for shortness of breath, after receiving second dose of vaccine on 4/1/21Y1004/01/202104/16/202115PVT206/18/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
143061006/28/2021MD76.076FDuring recent patient hospitalization, it was discovered that patient has received multiple doses of the COVID vaccine. Patient received COVID vaccines from January 19, 2021 to February 19, 2021: Moderna Dose on 1/19/2021: Pfizer Dose on 1/24/2021: 02/19/202102/19/20210PHMLeft punctate thalamic stroke in 01/2021 CAD/MI Hypertension Dyslipidemia Diabetes206/28/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
154863608/12/2021MD76.076F(unknown route) 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient experienced DIARRHOEA (Diarrhea). The patient was treated with BISMUTH SUBSALICYLATE (PEPTO-BISMOL) at an unspecified dose and frequency. At the time of the report, DIARRHOEA (Diarrhea) had notN01/25/2021OTHUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/10/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
155630008/14/2021MD76.076MItchy rash 3 days later on his torso; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of RASH PRURITIC (Itchy rash 3 days later on his torso) in a 76-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1N02/27/202101/30/2021UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/10/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
155993308/15/2021MD76.076Fred rash; redness at the site of the injection after the first shot; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of RASH ERYTHEMATOUS (red rash) and VACCINATION SITE ERYTHEMA (redness at the site of the injection after theU02/17/202102/28/202111UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/11/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
156003508/15/2021MD76.076Fwhole body broke out in a horrible rash; achy; experienced temperature; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of URTICARIA (whole body broke out in a horrible rash), PAIN (achy) andY01/28/202102/26/202129UNKAllergy NOS (have some allergies)USMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/11/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
156093808/15/2021MD76.076Fstomach issues; Buzz in her ear; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of TINNITUS (Buzz in her ear) and ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT (stomach issues) in a 76-year-old female patient who reN01/07/202102/19/202143UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/11/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
156105708/15/2021MD76.076FSoreness in arm; Seems much heavier than what happened with a flu shot; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Soreness in arm) and LIMB DISCOMFORT (Seems much heavier than what happened with a fU03/02/202103/02/20210UNKLIPITOR; BABY ASPIRINMigraineUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/11/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
156216808/15/2021MD76.076FSome chills; Fuzzy, woozy head; Mild sore throat; Achy; Started feeling warm/had hot sensations; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of FEELING HOT (Started feeling warm/had hot sensations), FEELING ABNORMAL (FuzzyN02/03/202102/24/202121UNKCLARITIN ALLERGIC; PEPCID AC; ARMOUR THYROID; LEVOTHYROXINE AND LIOTHYRONINE [LEVOTHYROXINE;LIOTHYRONINE]; PROGESTERONE; VITAMIN D3Digestion impaired; Hashimoto's disease; Hypothyroidism; Sulfonamide allergy (sulfa+ sulfites)USMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/11/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
156328708/15/2021MD76.076Ftested positive for covid-19 after dose 1, but had symptoms before; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COVID-19 (tested positive for covid-19 after dose 1, but had symptoms before) in a 76-year-old female patieU02/23/2021UNKMETHOTREXATEBlood pressureUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/11/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
157282808/16/2021MD76FArm swelled up; Very hard sore; Itchy at the site; Redness; Very rough; Fatigue; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of PERIPHERAL SWELLING (Arm swelled up), PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Very hard sore), VACCINATION SITE PRUU01/12/202101/20/20218UNKLETROZOLE; FISH OIL; CENTRUM SILVER +50; VITAMIN D3Medical History/Concurrent Conditions: No adverse eventUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/12/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
157331608/16/2021MD76.076FHad soreness for a few hours but it went away the same day; Achiness; Malaise; She also had some chills; Low grade fever that went up and down that night around 17:00; Headache; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence Y01/29/202101/29/20210UNKLEVOTHYROXINE; PEPCID AC.Chronic lymphatic leukemia (Oncologist said she got it because she was not taking any cancer medications.)USMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/13/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
160007108/21/2021MD76.076Fmigraines; swollen arm; red arm; severe headache; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of MIGRAINE (migraines), PERIPHERAL SWELLING (swollen arm), ERYTHEMA (red arm) and HEADACHE (severe headache) in a 76-year-old fY03/08/2021UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/12/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
160052808/21/2021MD76.076FDysbiosis; Morning diarrhea; Low blood sugar symptoms; Mood issues; Inflammation; Not digesting sugar/fibers; Bladder Infection; aches and pains (not muscular); Pain under arms/sides; Chills feeling in body; Nausea; Digestive issues got aggravated; Loss ofN02/03/202103/03/202128SCHCLARITIN [LORATADINE]; PEPCID AC; ARMOUR THYROID; LEVOTHYROXINE; PROGESTERONE; MULTIVITAMIN [VITAMINS NOS]; VITAMIN D3Drug allergy (Allergic to Sulfites); Hashimoto's disease; Hypothyroidism; Inflammatory bowel disease; Sulfonamide allergyUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/12/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
160115008/21/2021MD76.076FItchy rash at the forearm; Red rash at the forearm; hip pain; Low back pain; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of BACK PAIN (Low back pain), RASH PRURITIC (Itchy rash at the forearm), RASH (Red rash at the forearN02/26/202103/23/202125UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/12/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
160836008/22/2021MD76.076Frash; headache; weakness; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of ASTHENIA (weakness), VACCINATION SITE RASH (rash) and HEADACHE (headache) in a 76-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 VaY04/02/202104/02/20210UNKComments: No medical history was providedUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/17/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
160954808/22/2021MD76.076Fhorrible horrible dreams; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of NIGHTMARE (horrible horrible dreams) in a 76-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 030M20A) for COVID-N02/20/202102/25/20215UNKMedical History/Concurrent Conditions: Dreams abnormalUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/12/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
160957808/22/2021MD76.076Fbad diarrhea; upset stomach; vomiting; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DIARRHOEA (bad diarrhea), ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT (upset stomach) and VOMITING (vomiting) in a 76-year-old female patient who received mRNAY03/19/202103/20/20211UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/12/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
161778008/22/2021MD76.076FHaven't received second dose/Missed step 2 of moderna vaccine; This spontaneous case was reported by a nurse and describes the occurrence of PRODUCT DOSE OMISSION ISSUE (Haven't received second dose/Missed step 2 of moderna vaccine) in a 76-year-old femaleY03/04/202104/01/202128UNKASA; METFORMIN; LEVOTHYROXIN; DEPAKOTE; EFFEXORAllergy to antibiotic (Tetracyclines.); Allergy to antibiotic (Sulfa.); Hyperlipidemia; Hypothyroidism; Major depression; Parkinson's disease; Type II diabetes mellitusUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20211208/14/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
162099008/23/2021MD76.076FFelt funny; Fever; Chills; Diarrhea; Problem with speech; Problem with short term memory; Couldn't remember anything; Problem with leg and feet swelling; Blood pressure was sky high; Did not receive second dose; This spontaneous case was reported by a consU03/04/2021Test Name: blood pressure; Result Unstructured Data: Blood pressure was sky high.; Test Name: CT scan; Test Result: Negative ; Result Unstructured Data: For stroke; Test Name: magnetic resonance imaging; Test Result: Negative ; Result Unstructured Data: UNKCALCIUM; B-Complex; FISH OIL; DIURETICSMedical History/Concurrent Conditions: Shellfish allergyUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20211208/18/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
163912908/27/2021MD76.076Flower back pain; Hip pain; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of BACK PAIN (lower back pain) and ARTHRALGIA (Hip pain) in a 76-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 0N02/26/202103/23/202125UNKUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20210208/26/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
168894609/10/2021MD76.076FLoss ability to move legs, became lathargic and disorientedY09/07/202109/08/20211CAT scan & blood workPUBSertaline HCI 50mg tablet 1 1/2 at bedtime; Lasix 20mg tablet 1 oral daily; Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol) 1000 UNIT tablet 1 oral daily; Levothyroxine Sodium 137mcg tablet 1 oral Mon-Sat and 1 1/2 tab on Sun; Metoprolol Succinate ER 25mg tabNoneStroke risk, COPD209/10/2021YTetracycline and Flagyl2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
169140909/11/2021MD76.076F2nd dose given 25June2021 (more than 36 days from the 1st dose); This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (2nd dose given 25June2021 (more than 36 days from the 1st doY05/11/202106/25/202145UNKOMEPRAZOLE; FISH OIL; MULTIVITAMINS [VITAMINS NOS]Arthritis; Dry eyes; Fibrositis; HeartburnUSMODERNATX, INC.MOD20212209/08/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
174125809/28/2021MD76.076FLarge red, hot, swollen, hot area on arm; on day 2 -5 moving down towards elbow on upper arm, same size and pain level, but not increasing in size09/21/202109/22/20211nowPHMAtoravastin 40mg Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg Sertraline 25 mg Nexium 25mg Amlodipine 5 mgnonehyperlypidemia Hypertension Prinzmetal's Angina Acid reflux209/28/2021none2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
179776810/19/2021MD76.076FPt. came in to pharmacy for a Pfizer booster shot....Pt. received MODERNA 0.5ml accidently.U10/19/202110/19/20210none at this timePHMnone reported by pt.none reported by pt.none reported by pt.210/19/2021none reported by pt.2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
183288911/01/2021MD76.076FSite: Bruising at Injection Site-Medium, Site: Pain at Injection Site-MildN10/08/202110/08/20210PHM211/01/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
183308011/01/2021MD76.076MIn December 2020, my CT scan showed no cancer - as did the CT scans for the previous 3 1/2 years. In May 2021, my CT scan showed the cancer returned. Is there a correlation?Y7Y02/26/202102/26/20210CT Scan May 25, 2021PUBLi[itorMetoporolMetforminHCTZNoneCancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes211/01/2021YNone2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
184356011/04/2021MD76.076FWhen it first happened I had nothing but soreness in the arm. I was tired and aching. When I had got sick it was around the 3rd week after receiving the shot. It started with a lot of coughing, sore throat, pressure on my ears, and back aches. On 10/28/202N10/02/202110/16/202114Test were did on 10/28/2021: Strep test- negative Covid test- negative Breathing examination- wheezing on the exhalePHMVitamin D ProbioticnonenoneFlu Vaccine- I had got sick from it. (Years ago)vsafe211/04/2021YAmoxicillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
184920511/07/2021MD76.076FStoffnest on neclk on left side. no treatment, gets worse as the weather is getting colder and during wet weather. Its becoming more difficult to ture head to the left side . On 11/7/21 neck pained all day, Condition is becoming progressive worse.N04/01/202104/28/202127NoneOTHAlendronate, Cycloset, Simvastatin, Iron, Calcium with vitamin D3 and Omega XLNoneChronic Kidney Disease, Type 2 Dibeties and Chronic Low Blood211/07/2021None2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
184957111/07/2021MD76.076MModerately severe headace after any mild exersion still occuring after 4 daysN11/03/202111/04/20211PHMPravastatin, CoQ-10 , Cetirizinenonenone211/07/2021penicillin2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
185851911/10/2021MD76.076FPt had fever, arm swelling (which are normal), but bruising at injection site that has not subsided even on 11/10 and swelling of glands in the armpit in the same arm as vaccination. No swelling in the other arm.Y11/05/202111/06/20211N/APHMMetoprolol and lisinopril HCTZ for high blood pressure. No OTC medications.Arthritis in shoulderHigh blood pressure211/10/2021No2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX