Welcome to Guest Worker Visas, Version 4.0, developed by Virgil Bierschwale, a Displaced American Software Developer and Navy Veteran.

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You are viewing patients aged: 9, in state: TN

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096358301/21/2021TN9.09FOn 10/11/21, the patient and her mother came in for a flushot. Documentation shows that this patient received Flublok which is only approved for patients 18 and older. There was no adverse effects, side effects, or illness from this.Y10/11/202010/11/20200nonePVTNONENONENONE201/21/2021NONE2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
101099902/08/2021TN9.09FA nine year old girl received Flublok Quadrivalent, no AE; Initial information regarding an unsolicited valid non-serious case was received from a nurse via Global Medical Information (GMI) (Reference number- 00440411) and transmitted to Sanofi on 21-Jan-2U10/11/202010/11/20200UNKUSSA2021SA029216202/06/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX