Welcome to Guest Worker Visas, Version 4.0, developed by Virgil Bierschwale, a Displaced American Software Developer and Navy Veteran.

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You are viewing patients aged: 91, in state: HI

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101974502/10/2021HI91.091FError: Wrong Dose of Vaccine - Too HighU02/05/202102/05/20210SEN202/10/2021Patient's consent indicate no allergies2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
105900102/26/2021HI91.091FPatient had declining health for the past 6 months, dementia and unable to walk. Patient had decreased appetite starting 1/1/21. After 1st vaccine shot patient appetite decreased further. After 2nd vaccine shot patient fatigue increased to the point where Y02/22/2021N01/21/202102/22/202132PUBHad declining health for the past 6 months, dementia, unable to walk. Decrease appetite after 1/1/21.202/26/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
109773103/13/2021HI91.091F3/3/2021 CHF, hearing loss02/11/202103/03/202120PVTnonepacemaker . aortic valve replacement203/13/2021Y2021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX
122989904/19/2021HI91.091MPatient Received Moderna vaccine 2/11/2021, 3/11/2021, and 4.14.2021- 3 doses instead of 2U04/14/202104/14/20210WRK204/19/20212021VAERSSYMPTOMS2021VAERSVAX